
Showing posts from March, 2020

Can You Survive A Day At Culinary School?

Sharpen your knives. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

19 Things You Absolutely Must Stop Doing To Grocery Store Employees In The Age Of Coronavirus

Pass it on. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Which Starbucks Frappuccino Are You?

I, for one, could really go for a Frappuccino right about now. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Paul Scheer Quarantines With Canned Wine and Deep-dish Pizza

Last week , New York and Grub Street asked some of our favorite past Grub Street Diet subjects to keep one-day diaries of what they eat while self-quarantining, which we’ll be running over the next f... More » from Grub Street

40 Meal Prep Recipe Ideas & Tips for Better Weeknight Dinners—& Lunches

I don't love to admit it, but before I joined the Food52 team, I was not a world-champion meal planner. I spent five years in an office where "lunch hour" meant: "pop out for quick takeaway." And "weeknight dinner" meant: "the fantasy of an alternate universe where people leave work before 8:30 p.m." Accordingly, I struggled to get my act together when I first crossed the threshold of Food52 HQ. But, it turned out, all I had to do was look around. My new colleagues were like the Olympic Varsity All-Star Meal Planning team. (Is it too clear from that description that I've never watched sports?) They even wrote a book on it . Read More >> from Food52

‘There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do at This Point’

Grocery stores have announced hiring sprees in response to increased demand due to concerns around novel coronavirus. | Mario Tama/Getty Images Grocery, delivery, and other businesses in-demand during the coronavirus pandemic are on hiring sprees, but for laid-off restaurant workers, making the switch isn’t so simple Angel de la Torre-Miranda has thrived on a career in restaurants. For almost 13 years, he has worked the line as a cook and a sous chef across the San Diego metro area, most recently preparing cheeseburgers and huli huli chicken at the Boardwalk Beach Club in Coronado. He loved the work, and it put food on the table for himself, his girlfriend, and his almost-two-year-old child. But with the spread of COVID-19, the Boardwalk Beach Club temporarily shuttered in mid-March, and de la Torre-Miranda lost his job. To support his family, this past week he found himself on the other side of the service industry: driving around town for Postmates, delivering bags full of Carl’s

Home Cooks Trapped by Coronavirus Are Flocking to Meal Kits

HelloFresh ingredients and recipe card | Bridget Halenar / Optimistic Kitchen Blue Apron and HelloFresh have seen surges in demand and investor interest over the last few weeks, as home cooks avoid grocery stores Heather Kaufman recently took over her parents’ apartment in New York while they ride out the coronavirus pandemic in New Jersey. To stock the fridge, “I had to go to the local grocery store, which has very narrow aisles. It was a little tense,” she says. “It reminded me of avoiding the ghosts in Pac-Man, but with other people.” The options at the store were limited — just some pork and “beef chuck, sirloin steak, and ribeye, which is weird but I guess people are still watching their cholesterol,” she jokes. So she signed up for an account with Blue Apron, one of a number of meal kit delivery services that predate the novel coronavirus outbreak, but which seem particularly suited to a customer base wary of grocery runs. Kaufman cooked her first meal and says she loved it.

Reminder: Just Be Kind to the People Who Ensure You Get to Eat

Not five days ago, I heard my neighbor — young, healthy — yell at a food delivery person she decided had gotten too close. “Stay back! Keep a six-foot distance!” she shouted, her voice shaking in panic. The delivery person, masked and gloved, jerked back. His eyes flashed with shock, and then dar... More » from Grub Street

The 20 Beloved Indie Grocers We're Browsing Online

Now more than ever, home is where many of us are seeking refuge and solace in light of the novel coronavirus. This is a tough time, but we’re here for you —whether it’s a new pantry recipe or a useful tip for your kitchen, here are some ideas to make things run a little more smoothly for you and your loved ones. I was manning the Hotline early last week, when Hallie from D.C. wrote in : “What independent online grocers (not Whole Foods, Stop & Shop) can I buy from during the quarantine?” Pfft, easy , I thought. Read More >> from Food52

FOX NEWS: Taco Bell offering free tacos on Tuesday as a 'thank you' during coronavirus pandemic

Taco Bell offering free tacos on Tuesday as a 'thank you' during coronavirus pandemic “For the past few weeks, we've been focused on making Taco Bell the safest place to work and eat, and now we're giving America free tacos as a small way of saying thank you for how everyone is showing up for their communities,” said Marc King, the CEO of the Taco Bell Corp., in a press release. via FOX NEWS

Why Even Meals?

Shutterstock You could take this time to make yourself elaborate dinners from scratch. Or you could treat every meal like after-school snack. In 2010, The Awl asked a question that has haunted me for a decade: Are You Lunch ? In it, Choire Sicha ruminated on a fundamental experience of anyone who has worked from home, rummaging through one’s fridge and cabinets to cobble together a plate that’ll tide you over without too much effort. A few things presented themselves to him as lunch: leftover Raisin Bran, a handful of Maltesers, some cornichon. It was all lunch. Because what even is lunch? The blog was supposed to point out the often depressing reality of working from home, of the way we’ll let our lives deteriorate when there’s no one else to each lunch in front of. But there’s part of me that finds the Lunch Game incredibly freeing. You may think you need to keep up appearances, whether for your Instagram or for your own sanity. But meals are a social construct. It’s time to embr

What You Need to Make Your Kitchen a Better Place to Cook

Shutterstock The tools and products that take your home cooking set-up to the next level Now that you’re spending more time in your kitchen than you can ever remember, it’s time to set yourself up to make the most of it. It’s not just about efficient organization or acquiring the most top-of-the-line version of things , you also want to think about dependable tools to make cooking easier, and what’s worth splurging on to make being in your kitchen more physically comfortable, too. (I’ve got my eye on a kitchen mat, see below.) You probably (probably??) already have the basics covered. A knife — or better yet, three . A saucepan, a stock pot, and a skillet. A sheet pan . A cutting board. Consider this list your guide to some subtle upgrades: aka the products that make your kitchen a way better place to be. — Hillary Dixler Canavan A Grade-A Frying Pan Eater recommends: All-Clad Fry Pan “The pan achieves its purpose beautifully. Because of its heavy composition, it retains hea

This Is What Alinea’s $35 To-Go Meal Looks Like

Sadly there are no edible balloons in sight from Grant Achatz’s carryout operation from Eater - All

This José Andrés Prayer Candle Sold Out on Etsy in Just 5 Hours

A local maker says she’ll donate about $1,500 in profits to World Central Kitchen from Eater - All

Ruth Reichl Quarantines With Parmesan Stock and Mapo Tofu

Last week , New York and Grub Street asked some of our favorite past Grub Street Diet subjects to keep one-day diaries of what they eat while self-quarantining, which we’ll be running over the next f... More » from Grub Street

7 Essential Tips For Staying Productive And Healthy While Working From Home

Tips to set yourself up for daily success! The post 7 Essential Tips For Staying Productive And Healthy While Working From Home appeared first on Skinny Ms. . from Skinny Ms.

Amazon Fires Employee Who Led Staten Island Strike

Yesterday, employees at an Amazon warehouse on Staten Island walked out in protest of working conditions and compensation during the coronavirus outbreak. More » from Grub Street

These Newfangled Cheeseburgers Are Much-Needed Comfort Food

A Big Little Recipe has the smallest-possible ingredient list and big everything else: flavor, creativity, wow factor. Psst—we don't count water, salt, black pepper, and certain fats (specifically, 1/2 cup or less of olive oil, vegetable oil, and butter), since we're guessing you have those covered. Today, we’re reimagining cheeseburgers. Where I’m from in New Jersey, a cheeseburger means one thing and one thing only—cheese melted on top of a burger—and such seems to be the consensus everywhere else. As Merriam-Webster defines it, a cheeseburger is “a hamburger topped with a slice of cheese.” My dad likes to call his a “cheddar-burger,” so there’s no room for confusion, while others call it a “quarter-pounder with cheese” or a “Royale with cheese,” . But in any case, the technique is the same. Read More >> from Food52

The Private Chefs Risking Their Lives to Feed the Super Rich

For private chefs, coronavirus has forced difficult conversations with their wealthy clients Everyone’s a little stir-crazy these days, even inside the sprawling Southern California mansion where Catarina* works as a private chef. The family she’s exclusively cooked for during the last eight years canceled their vacation last week, and now they’re practicing social isolation — at least, as far as they’re concerned. “The only people who are coming and going are myself, the housekeeper, the house manager, the dog walker, the dog trainer, and themselves,” she says, “because they’re going to the office, supposedly with no one else there.” Caterina’s clients have rich-people blinders on when it comes to their own staff, she says, which is putting everyone in the house at risk. She’s doing her best to mitigate it: She wears gloves when she’s cooking in their kitchen. She maintains six feet of social distance. But the family fails to realize that an offhand request for omelets for breakfas

A Quick & Clean Guide to Washing Your Clothes by Hand

Now more than ever, home is where many of us are seeking refuge and solace in light of the novel coronavirus. This is a tough time, but  we’re here for you —whether it’s a new pantry recipe or a useful tip for your kitchen, here are some ideas to make things run a little more smoothly for you and your loved ones. I live in New York City, where having a washing machine in your apartment building outweighs many other standard living space must-haves. Windows? Who needs ‘em? Heat? I’ll get an electric blanket. And apartments with laundry in-unit? They’re myths. If you tell me you have a washing machine, I simply won’t believe you. Read More >> from Food52

The Calming Ritual of the Cocktail Hour

Restaurant critics tend to be always thinking about our next dinner or, more recently, our next drink. So it’s no surprise that I’ve been put in charge of panic-­supplies procurement by the three women who run the suddenly crowded little Platt household, although one of them pulled me aside the o... More » from Grub Street

Tuesday Things.

1. Who ever thought that March would feel longer than January?! Pretty sure April might feel twice as long. 2. Really want to make these spicy egg roll bowls . 3. One thing I’m loving to do every day is watch Maria Shriver’s live instagram. She usually has on guests and while some are celebs, it doesn’t give you that feeling of watching celebs in their giant homes have a quarantine vacation. It’s really inspiring and enjoyable. 4. How to give yourself a mental break. 5. TV things!! How brutal was This Is Us last week? That fight BROKE my heart. And a Million Little Things! I loved the episode but am SO over Maggie, can’t even believe the baby storyline and the ending. Crazy. ALSO – we watched Tiger King (who else feels like it’s practically Kenny Powers, real life?) last week in one sitting (omg) and we’re halfway through Ozark. Have you watched either? 6. This is the best: some good news with John Krasinski . 7. I’ve read lots of articles about people putting up Christmas light

Lemon Coconut Pull Apart Bread.

This lemon coconut bread is sponsored by ALDI !  This lemon coconut pull apart bread is an absolute dream. I don’t know what it is about pull-apart bread . It’s just SO gratifying. Pulling apart those fluffy, flakey layers is almost better than grabbing a gooey cinnamon roll.  And while I usually think of pull-apart bread as being something we make around the holidays, I decided that a spring version was 100% necessary. YEP. So here we are.  Because this lemon coconut pull apart bread is the perfect spring comfort food! It can work as breakfast, brunch or dessert. You can prep it the night before and bake it the morning of. It’s such a delicious treat right now in this crazy season. I’m thrilled to be partnering with ALDI again today to share this recipe. ALDI has allll of your grocery needs – including gorgeous, seasonal produce that you can grab to make some spring dishes. I also grab all of my baking ingredients there too – everything from flour to baking powder to sprinkl