
Showing posts from August, 2023

Your Scrumptious Subway Sandwich Choices Will Reveal With 99.8% Certainty What Generation You REALLY Belong To

Never trust your mate that orders a wrap at's a trap. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Americans And Non-Americans Are Sharing The Things They Actually Love About American Culture, And I'm Suddenly A Patriot

"ICE. IN. OUR. DRINKS." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Veggie Dogs Have Come a Long Way (Sort Of)

Nicole Miles/Eater From Beyond Meat to Field Roast, Impossible Foods to Morningstar Farms and Tofurky, ranking vegetarian-friendly hot dogs, from best to worst I’m not willing to admit how many years ago this was now, but when I turned 15, I became a vegetarian. Predictably, because I was a teenager, I was sanctimonious about it, chastising everyone around me for not caring about animals or the earth or whatever else I could think of that they should care about in my extremely informed opinion. Being vegetarian and caring about the world thank you very much was a very outsized part of my personality. Back then, especially because I was 15 years old with little income and worldliness, I defaulted to what I thought were the best options for a vegetarian to eat. Namely, fake chicken nuggets and hot dogs, with the occasional chickpea dish thrown in for health. I didn’t know where to find these things — nor did I know there were any other places — besides my local Acme, a grocery chai

Where to Find Postpartum Meal Delivery Services

We Are Chiyo’s tonic and broth bundle. | We Are Chiyo Some of these meals are based largely on the Chinese traditions of zuo yue zi, or sitting the month A version of this post originally appeared on August 26, 2023 , in Stephanie Wu’s newsletter, “From the Editor,” a roundup of the most vital news and stories in the food world. Read the archives and subscribe now . After giving birth, the thing I most looked forward to was going to the doctor. That’s because I spent a month in postpartum confinement, and the only time I left the house in those first 30 days was for a pediatrician or OB-GYN appointment. This practice is part of a Chinese tradition called zuo yue zi, which translates literally to “sitting the month.” The idea is that after giving birth, mothers’ bodies are very vulnerable, given all the changes they’ve gone through in the past 30-plus weeks, and the first postpartum month should be dedicated to healing the body and bonding with the baby. In ancient times, this

Tim Love’s Summer of Cooking for the Biggest Names in Music

Courtesy of Tim Love from Eater - All

"It Works Out To Be Less Than $3 Total To Feed Multiple Adults": People Who Grew Up Poor Are Sharing Their Best Money-Saving Tactic Or Habit

"I did it a lot in my city. After a few times, I learned you could also be super brazen about it if you were confident." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The 38 Essential Restaurants in Montreal

Shish taouk on the grill at Damas. | Damas A pop-up smash burger party transformed into a permanent casse-croûte, a buzzy wine bar serving a caprese-inspired martini, a tiny French diner sharing the warmth of North African cuisine, and everywhere else you need to eat in Montreal “Where should I eat?” The Eater 38 hopes to answer that age-old question. This curated list offers a glimpse into Montreal’s thrilling food scene, home to an offbeat blend of poutine and pikliz. You’ll find Italian, Jewish, Vietnamese, and Haitian spots, and, of course, meaty French-leaning restaurants too. Together this ragtag bunch help make this city a standout place to eat. Spanning cuisines, neighborhoods, and price points, this guide is our shortlist of Montreal’s must-try spots, reflecting the new openings driving conversation, the trends playing out across dining tables, and the generational icons holding down their communities. We update this list quarterly to make sure it reflects the ever-changi

Choose Your Fave Foods To Find Out Your Absolute Best And Worst Traits

Let's really see what's on your plate! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

An Eater’s Guide to the Canadian Rockies

Spirit Island in Jasper National Park. | Mike Seehagel Set in 9,000 miles of pristine parkland, the restaurants of the Canadian Rockies reflect abundant natural resources like wild elk, Saskatoon berries, and fresh trout The Canadian Rockies take everything up a notch. Over the course of 1,000 miles, from the U.S.-Canada border in Montana to northern British Columbia, the jagged peaks look like layer cakes of snow, ice, and fossil-studded limestone and shale. As the mountains wind their way up along the border between Alberta and British Columbia, lakes sparkle in shades of aquamarine and turquoise, torrential rivers surge down from lofty icefields into deep valleys, and lush larch forests hug the roadsides. This protected land is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the birthplace of the Canadian national park system, and some of Mother Nature’s finest work. The region has long been an outdoorsy playground for thrill-seekers (from kayakers in the summer to dog-sledders in the winter), b

The Grey Team Goes to Paris

Chia Chong/The Grey Chef Mashama Bailey and restaurateur Johno Morisano will open a restaurant in Paris in early 2024, marking a historic moment in American and French culinary exchange Earlier this summer, at the Parisian cafe L’Esperance, a taste of the American South started to trickle out of the small kitchen. It was known for generations as a casual spot in the 7th arrondissement where locals enjoyed morning coffee, brasserie fare for lunch, and wine in the early evening. But suddenly, without fanfare, dishes like red rice balls, chicken country captain, and smoked fish dip were served alongside croque monsieurs, steak tartare, and salades vertes. The introductions are reflective of the cafe’s change in ownership: American restaurateurs Mashama Bailey and Johno Morisano of the Grey are set to launch their take on Parisian dining in the L’Esperance space, slated for early 2024. Their expansion comes after the Austin, Texas, openings of their eatery the Diner Bar and restaurant

5 Things That Food Experts Never Eat Or Drink While Traveling Abroad

Pro tips for avoiding traveler’s diarrhea, which affects 30% to 70% of people who travel. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

20 Things From Target That’ll Make Your Kitchen The Coolest Room In The House

Home is where your favorite saucepan lives. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Since Spooky Season Is Coming Up, Pick Some Snacks And I'll Give You A Horror Movie To Watch

It's not movie time without snacks! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How to Stock a Lunch-Ready Pantry

In this excerpt from Eater’s debut cookbook, chefs recommend the best condiments, grains, pickles, and other staples to step up your home lunch game This is an excerpt from Eater’s debut cookbook . After talking with chefs who make some of the best lunches in the business, one thing is clear: Making a great lunch at home is 95 percent about what you’re keeping in your pantry and fridge. The other five percent is thinking just a bit more strategically about what you’re doing with that inventory. Here’s what you need for excellent lunches at home without a recipe . FLAVOR BOOSTERS That’s what Yangban chef-owner Katianna Hong calls ingredients like Kewpie mayo and Yondu, a plant-based seasoning liquid she uses instead of soy sauce to “add depth, round everything out, and make things taste professional.” A bit of tinned fish can be combined with Kewpie mayo and served with rice, a dash of Yondu, and nori sheets for a DIY hand roll. Hong puts roasted, salted almonds in the flavor-b

What Do You Prefer On Your Toast?

Marmite is gross! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Climate Change Makes for an Uncanny Pumpkin Spice Season

The leaves aren’t changing any time soon. | Starbucks Gestures toward a New England fall feel increasingly weird on a warming planet As we’ve established, love it or hate it, pumpkin spice is here to stay . It has run the gamut from novelty to basic to just a fact of life. And while you can find the nutmeg-forward flavoring in the likes of baked goods , breakfast cereal , and bathroom spray , it’s Starbucks that’s responsible for its domination. This year is the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the pumpkin spice latte , developed by Starbucks to answer the question “What does an espresso version of fall’s most seasonal dessert taste like?” Another thing that’s happened since 2003: The global temperature has continued to rise; according to NASA , there’s been a marked increase in global land-ocean temperature, as well as methane concentrations in the atmosphere, and a rise in sea level due to melting ice sheets in the past 20 years. This has ensured that on August 24 — the d

Pack A School Lunch And I'll Reveal Which "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Character You Are!

PB&J is giving Jeremiah vibes. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Original ’Tinis

Image from Eater - All

Only Real Indian Food Lovers Can Name These Dishes By Their Extreme Close-Up

Warning: This quiz may cause hunger pangs. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How NYC’s Michelin-Starred Francie Makes a Porchetta For One

Chef Christopher Cipollone says the restaurant’s porchetini one of the more technical dishes at the restaurant Francie opened in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood at the end of 2020 and quickly went viral because of its 30-day dry-aged duck. That dish helped earn the restaurant a Michelin star just a few months after opening. While the duck is the restaurant’s calling card, chef and owner Christopher Cipollone says one of the most technical dishes he makes is his version of a porchetta, a porchetini. “The porchetini we do here is like a baby porchetta for one,” he says. Cipollone starts by putting a pork tenderloin on top of a sheet of flattened, ground sausage. All of this is on top of plastic wrap, which will be used to guide the sausage around the tenderloin and maintain the shape of what will become the porchetini. Next, the porchetini in the plastic wrap gets Cryovaced and poached. Then it’s taken out of the plastic wrap to be seared. “What that does is it fully cooks the

We Know What Generation You Belong To Based On What You Chow Down At KFC

Where were you when KFC discontinued the Krushers in Australia? I was in Spain (the S is silent tho). View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

What Kind Of Margarita Are You?

I'll take the prickly pear marg, please! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

What Type Of Coffee Are You?

Maybe you're decaf! ☕️ View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

"It's Always On The Stove": People Are Sharing The Often Subtle Things In A Kitchen That SCREAM "I'm A Great Cook"

"I had a chef come over once and he saw it on my counter. He said, 'That's how I know you know.'" View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Eat For A Whole Day And I'll Guess Your Favorite Color, No Problem

Mine is red! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Go Trick-Or-Treating To Reveal Which Haunted US Location You Should Visit

🍫 = 👻 View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

42 Quirky Kitchen Products That You’ll Actually Use A *Ton*

This "Gracula" garlic crusher and lil' bird-shaped lemon juicer are about to be the main characters of your kitchen. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

20 Target Products That'll Help You, At Long Last, Organize Your Kitchen

Because just the idea of rummaging through your kitchen's chaos is enough to send you back to your favorite takeout app. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Stop Trying to Convince Me Tinned Fish Is the Height of Luxury

Conservas work great as a pantry staple, but as the pricey centerpiece of a fancy charcuterie board? I’ll pass. | David Neimanis/Eater NY Can we all admit that tinned fish is just okay? If you spend any amount of time on food internet, you’ve likely been inundated with tinned fish content, whether the “tinned fish date night” videos are dominating your TikTok For You page or your own friend group’s dinner parties have been infiltrated by these oily little tins of mackerel and tuna. Tinned fish is officially chic, a fact that seriously blows my mind considering that there are few foods more overrated than (most) fish in a can. Sure, like pretty much everyone else in the world, I enjoy a good can of oil-packed tuna stirred together with mayonnaise, capers, and dijon mustard for lunch. I can appreciate the convenience of canned salmon when you’re making onigiri at home. Korean canned tuna is spicy and full of flavor, and it’s always nice to have a can of clams in the pantry for those

What Happens When the Brand Gimmick Is Too Good?

Cartons of branded ice cream flavors at the Ice Cream Project. | Anya Hindmarch As the summer season draws to a close on performative, branded ice cream, London’s Ice Cream Project takes the genre to its logical conclusion: self destruction It’s easy to read about a fashion designer opening an ice cream pop-up in a superrich neighborhood, full of flavors dedicated to brand-name condiments and pantry ingredients like Heinz Ketchup and Maldon salt, and scream — not for ice cream, but for death. But around 11 a.m. on a July Monday in Mayfair, London, summer just threatening to peek through humid gloom, Anya Hindmarch’s Ice Cream Project was busy enough to need six members of staff in a space that really only has room for three, and nearly half of its flavors were sold out. The pop-up, which returned for its second year and closes this weekend, is part of a coterie of shops dubbed the Anya Hindmarch Village, which also includes a cafe and three clothing stores. The small space is sh