
Showing posts from December, 2018

From the Kitchens to the World: the Age of New Media Chefs

Running their own publishing labels, magazines, and food symposiums, chefs are more and more relevant not only in the gastronomic scene but also in the society. from Fine Dining Lovers

16 Mildly-Embarrassing Typos, But This Time On Cakes

Sweet, delicious typos. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

FOX NEWS: Floridians outraged after chef says New Jersey has best Cuban sandwich: 'What a ridiculous statement'

Floridians outraged after chef says New Jersey has best Cuban sandwich: 'What a ridiculous statement' “Come to Tampa.” via FOX NEWS

A Cheesy Brazilian Black-Eyed Pea Dish for Luck in the New Year

My mother, who grew up in East Texas (which she would argue is technically the South), introduced me to the Southern tradition of eating black-eyed peas to ring in the new year. This tradition allegedly came from West Africa, where black-eyed peas are said to have originated. The distinctive black dot where the pale pea curves is reminiscent of cowry shells, which were once used as currency in West Africa. As such, black-eyed peas have come to symbolize wealth, which is how it became a New Year’s Day staple for many Southerners. I remember going on a New Year’s Eve Caribbean cruise once and meeting a couple of passengers from Tennessee. They were discussing what they would do if the chef had the audacity to let Jan. 1 arrive without serving black-eyed peas. In the end, they were able to find a can of “congo peas” while we were docked in St. Kitts. I still have that image of them huddled together in their stateroom eating spoonfuls of cold beans right from the can. Read More >>

Food Trivia: Take the Ultimate End of Year Food Quiz!

Take our challenging 10 question quiz and find out how much food knowledge you managed to accumulate this year! from Fine Dining Lovers

How Fettuccine Alfredo Are You?

This is important. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

FOX NEWS: Firefighters buy cake for little girl's birthday after hers is ruined

Firefighters buy cake for little girl's birthday after hers is ruined Because what's a birthday without cake? via FOX NEWS

Christmas Break 2018: a Photo Diary.

Sharing some magic moments from our Christmas break! It’s so tricky getting photos of both kids these days, not to mention a good one of the four of us. Max loves riding the train at the mall like it’s 1988! A few days before Christmas I used this method for decorating our sugar cookies. What a hit! How gorgeous is the decor at the Fairmont this year? I was a little partial to last year’s neon colors, but this is so pretty! And speaking of gorgeous, my mom’s tree is amazing. Always. Little babes that need some bribery for smiles! Lacy + my brother Will, our annual Max + his godparents pic! My aunt also has a gorgeous tree and village. So pretty! The hit of the toys this year was the Melissa and Doug One Stop Shop… except Max just wanted to play with all of Emilia’s toys too. My little golden girl! I love that she looks like an 87 years old baby. Everyone had to have yogi’s before dinner on Christmas day. Survival mode. More of my mom’s decor! So pretty. Emi

10 New Year's Food Traditions From Around the World

We have a very, er, specific New Year's Eve food tradition in my household. It's an elaborate shrimp tree , and my mother and I spend hours constructing it each year. There's the day-of, panicked search for the correctly shaped and perfectly sized foam cone, which somehow always gets tossed away during the year prior. There's the painstaking affixing of curly kale leaves to said foam cone (once procured), in the style of a full Christmas tree. There's the careful preparation of a perfectly seasoned cocktail sauce . And then, just before our New Year's Eve party starts, there's the pinning of each individual shrimp to the tree, using colorful toothpicks, to look like a wrap-around garland. Read More >> from Food52

23 Things Australians Do That Makes Everyone Else Say "WTF"

Yabbies? YABBIES?! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

FOX NEWS: Jimmy John's delivery driver found hiding stash of weed in sandwich

Jimmy John's delivery driver found hiding stash of weed in sandwich Freaky stoned? via FOX NEWS

12 Super-Quick Snacks You Can Make for Tonight That Don't Feel Last Minute at All

FOX NEWS: Michigan restaurant owner offers free food to Coast Guard because government shutdown 'irritates me to no end'

Michigan restaurant owner offers free food to Coast Guard because government shutdown 'irritates me to no end' “[Lawmakers] don’t even think about these people," said Java Joe's owner Joe Durm.  via FOX NEWS

Our Top 10 Stories of 2018

2018 was a big year. We launched our own line of home and kitchen products , our podcast Burnt Toast saw its third season, and Genius Desserts was born. We explored the intersections of food and culture, personal and national history, body issues, depression, and why the heck no one's talking about Cuban pizza. Here are 10 of our favorite stories (of many) from what was a very exciting, thought-provoking year. We can't wait to share more of them with you in 2019. Read More >> from Food52

3…2…1! Your Guide to a Chill & Memorable New Year’s Eve Party

It's the most wonderful time of the year—so bring on the comfort & joy, we say. In The Art of Chill Holidays , we'll show you how we keep celebrations low-key, with festive decor tricks, clever time-saving tips, and scrumptious spreads of snacks (always snacks!). If you’re over the rowdy New Year’s Eve parties, we’re with you. Sometimes it’s fun to dress up and go out with the crowds, but other years, hanging at home with your favorite people is much more appealing. Read More >> from Food52

10 Excellent Things to Eat, Drink, and Do in New York City This January

Every month in New York, there are a bewildering number of new dishes to eat, drinks to imbibe, and food-themed events to attend. Often, the hardest part is just figuring out what’s really worth your limited time. So Grub kicks off each month with a curated selection of dishes, drinks,... More » from grubstreet


See ya later 2018! You were… 1. sparkly . 2. amazing. 3. so fun ! 4. traveled well . 5. full of favorites . 6. colorful . 7. exhausting ! 8. a learning experience . 9. full of traditions. 10. spicy . 11. interesting . 12. so good! 13. relaxing . 14. delicious . 15. quick . 16. adventurous . 17. easy . 18. and the actual best ! 19. full of flavor . 20. inspiring . 21. creative . 22. the year of simple dinners . 23. decadent . 24. honest . 25. fantastic . Thank you so much for supporting my passion and making 2018 the best year yet! I love you guys so much! xo The post 2018. appeared first on How Sweet Eats . from How Sweet Eats

Gingerbread Cookie Ice Cream by Erica

Are you a gingerbread fan? I know I am! All those warm spices and the rich, deep flavor of the molasses seem to dance on your tongue.     This Gingerbread Cookie Ice Cream is a wonderful way to enjoy those flavors. Creamy desserts are my favorite. While I enjoy a good gingerbread cookie, if there’s a way to inject it with cream, I’ll usually opt for that version! Plus this recipe comes together so easily—no stirring custard over the stove required. If you don’t mind eating the ice cream straight from the ice cream maker, you could be enjoying this in about 30 minutes! That’s dangerous knowledge right there…     Here’s what you’ll need: molasses, cream, milk, vanilla, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar, and gingerbread cookies!     I recommend using cookies with a bit of a snap to them since they’ll soften a bit in the ice cream. Although the soft texture of chewy gingerbread cookies might be lovely as well! Chop them into fairly big chunks. If you cut the cookies into

Meow Monday - Year in Review

Meow Monday - pictures of cute cats to start off your week! CLICK FOR FULL POST: Happy New Year's Eve! I can't believe it is the last day of 2018. 2108 was a year of highs and lows for Meow Monday.  Milestone birthdays, adoptions and loss. CLICK FOR MORE--> from Plain Chicken

5 Veggie-Filled Smoothie Recipes

Let’s get real for a minute. It’s not always easy to get the proper serving of veggies every single day. Maybe you’re strapped for time, or perhaps you never acquired the taste for the veggies you know are good for you. You don’t necessarily have to sit down with a plate of broccoli, however, to get those valuable nutrients. Instead, you can rely on the convenience and deliciousness of a smoothie! Check out these 5 veggie-filled smoothie recipes that not only whip up quickly but are loaded with valuable vitamins that help your body perform its very best. 1. Kale and Orange Smoothie Kale is one of the best foods for your body because it is bursting with vitamins and minerals. Admittedly, kale may not be everybody’s favorite food, but this recipe has a blend of flavors you can’t resist. Orange, banana, and honey make this a sweeter smoothie, but make no mistake, there is an entire cup of kale in this tasty treat! 2. Spinach and Mango Smoothie If you really want to boost your heal

Easy Meal Prep Ideas: Shrimp Taco Bowls

Last week, my friend and I met for happy hour drinks that inevitably turned into post-happy hour dinner. One glance at the menus, and we just couldn’t help ourselves. Against our usual rules, we both ordered the exact same thing: shrimp tacos. (This was extra embarrassing because when we arrived we realized we were also both wearing almost identical outfits, but I digress.) My friend quickly downed both tacos while I leisurely made my way through my first. I was about to start my second when my friend looked me straight in the eye and said, “That taco looks so good that I just want to rip it out of your hands.” I gave her the taco. Frankly, she earned it. That kind of passion is exactly the enthusiasm shrimp tacos deserve. Why We Love Shrimp Tacos Shrimp tacos are the superior taco, hands down, no argument. They’re the perfect combination of seafood and Mexican. Better yet, they also happen to be the healthiest way to enjoy tacos. Shrimp are a tasty, super low-cal protein, which

Baking Made Easy: Tips for Making Sugar-Free Desserts

It’s no secret that sugar isn’t good for our bodies. Not only can it lead to unwanted weight gain, but it can influence our heart health, increase our risk of diabetes, and much more. For many of us, cutting out dessert feels impossible. But what if there was a different way to reduce your sugar consumption? Let’s check out the top tips for making sugar-free desserts. You may be surprised at just how simple, and oh-so-delicious, recipes can be without all of the unnecessary sugar. Check Out Natural Sweeteners You may be surprised to learn that sugar isn’t the only way that you can achieve a sweet flavor. There are a variety of natural sweeteners such as monk fruit sweetener or erythritol. Both of these types of sweeteners are often used in low-carb recipes . Monk fruit is derived from monk fruit, which is native to Thailand and other areas of China. Reasons you’ll love monk fruit sweeteners: It’s much sweeter than regular sugar. It doesn’t raise blood sugar levels It has vir