How to Store Baking Staples by Bridget

My husband loves the saying, “if in doubt, throw it out.” It comes in handy when I don’t want to make dinner.

“Um, honey, this chicken smells weird.” Panera, here we come.

It’s a saying that holds true with just about any food item. If it smells funny, looks funny, or tastes funny, it’s time to toss it. I’m not a fan of waste, so let me show you how I store my baking staples for maximum freshness.

I’m a big fan of plastic storage containers in most cases, as you’ll see. Glass is prettier, but I never have to worry about a chipped lid, dropping a heavy jar, or having one slide out of the fridge.


The two items I use most often—unbleached all-purpose flour and granulated sugar—live on my countertop. I store them in airtight glass jars and refill as needed. (This is the only place where I use glass containers.)


Other sugars, once opened, go into a large, airtight plastic container. Technically, sugar shouldn’t spoil, but to be safe, check the expiration date as a guide. Store sugar at room temperature unless you’re storing brown sugar.


I store brown sugar in a zip-top bag in the refrigerator. Yes, I use the zip-top bag even if the brown sugar bag has a zip-top built in. Those never seem to work well. Storing brown sugar in the fridge keeps it soft right out of the bag or box.


Also in the fridge are all other flours, such as bread and nut flours. The freezer is also an excellent choice for nut and whole wheat flours if you have the space. Once opened, fold the top of the bag and clip. Store all of these in a large, airtight, plastic storage container. A clear one is nice for seeing what you have on hand.


Nut and whole wheat flours are the most likely to go rancid. They’re best used within a few months of opening; freezing can extend that to a year. White flours can last a year or two when refrigerated, or a year at room temperature. As always, do a smell check. Bring flours to room temperature before using.


Chocolate is best stored at cool room temperature. The pantry is a perfect place. I keep one container for chips of all sorts and another for baking chocolates and bars. (Since moving chocolate chips from a chocolate “basket” in the pantry to a container a few years ago, my chocolate chip consumption has dropped a little. But not much.) Shelf life for milk and dark chocolate is 1–2 years; white chocolate is about six months. Check expiration dates—it’s a good excuse to have a chocolate party.


If you happen to live in a place without air conditioning, chocolate may be stored in the refrigerator.


Wrap well, place in a storage container, and let come to room temperature before eating or using. In a pinch, chocolate may be frozen.


Extracts seem to last forever—and they can—especially pure vanilla extract, which is said to have an limitless shelf life. (Though bottles will still indicate an expiration date, as you can see above.) As always, your nose knows!


Store extracts in a dark, cool place. (The shelf above a hot oven is not a great choice.) Small wire shelves are handy for doubling cabinet storage space and a good place for extracts.


And that’s how I store baking staples! To recap, here’s my list of items:

  • unbleached all-purpose flour, bread flour, almond flour
  • granulated sugar, powdered sugar, caster sugar, coconut sugar
  • chocolate chips (of all types), chocolate baking bars (of all types), chocolate melting wafers
  • extracts: vanilla, vanilla bean paste, almond, hazelnut, rum, peppermint, lemon, butter, and orange

How about you? Which baking staples do you keep on hand?


from The Pioneer Woman


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