New PW Instant Pot + The New Frontier! by The Pioneer Woman

Howdy, friends! My new Instant Pot designs have launched at Walmart, am I’m loving them! So today, because the sun is finally shining (after four days of c-c-c-cold weather), because I’m so excited about the upcoming fall/winter holidays, and because I love ya, I’m giving away five (5!) Pioneer Woman Instant Pots, each with a signed copy of my brand new cookbook, The New Frontier!

There are two new Instant Pot designs: Dazzling Dahlias (left), and Frontier Rose (right.) Gorgeous, both of ’em—and if you haven’t fallen into the Instant Pot world yet, I promise you’ll have a lot of fun figuring out how to work it into your cooking routine.


To enter, just fill out and submit the giveaway box below.

Five winners will be randomly selected and announced Saturday!

Good luck, friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

from The Pioneer Woman


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