A Week In The Life, Vol 22.

everyday life week 22

[Artwork by Danielle Coke]

This week has been absolutely heartbreaking, to say the least. It’s hard to believe that so many (including me) thought that “2020 would be such a great year!” and it seems like every day, we are hearing something more terrible than the day before.

I am sick and heartbroken and outraged at the death of George Floyd and the many racial injustices that have gone on, frankly, the entire time I’ve been on this earth.

My instagram has become a rather robotic space of food and recipes and it’s been years since I’ve shared much of anything nonfood related there. If you’ve read my blog for all the years I’ve been writing, I hope you know my heart. I haven’t been staying silent on social media out of complicity, but rather because I didn’t want to come off as performative or seem as if I was virtue signaling, simply reposting something about these issues now when I haven’t publicly done so in the past. I don’t feel that only posting or reposting something on social media is doing enough, and I want to be sure that I’m taking action in my personal life.

Out of everything shared this week I have found this anti-racism resource list to be the most comprehensive. If you have kids, I encourage you to follow theconsciouskid instagram for tons of resources that have been extremely helpful to me right now – seriously, each post is more informative than the last. If you are a lover of fiction like I am, here is a great list of anti-racist fiction to start with. I’ve read a few of those but added most to my list now and am going to actively search out more going forward.

I want you to know that I teach (and will continue to teach!) our children about the injustice in our world –  and I speak openly about these issues in our home, where I know my influence is the most important.

I’m glad I have started these weekly posts this year, as they feel like my most authentic space. I write this here as my blog is my largest platform, and I have a space to write something personal, where it won’t get lost in a recipe.

everyday life week 22

Lacy brought my these peonies this week. She is back to work with me after our stay at home orders were loosened.

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Max’s chalk art. I LOVE IT. This boy loves color like I do.

everyday life week 22

Emilia and her bubbly volcano.

everyday life week 22

My mom’s window box is one of my favorite things she plants.

everyday life week 22

This week we went to a local farm to see a few animals. The kids loved it, but it started to pour while we were there.

everyday life week 22

I this it was misting and drizzling here. Ha. We got soaked which the kids thought was hilarious.

everyday life week 22

We had some killer sunsets this week, before and after storms.

everyday life week 22

Every time Max sees a sunset, he screams WE HAVE TO GO TAKE A PICTURE MAMA!! I love how the puddles are pink from the sky here.

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Another reason I wasn’t on social much this week – working on my first round of book copy edits that a due tomorrow! 300+ pages to go through, OMG.

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Switched it up from my house salad to the TJ’s mediterranean salad kit.

And Lola’s donuts. WOW these are good.

everyday life week 22

I went to our local farm this morning for produce and almost grabbed rhubarb. But it just reminds me too much of celery.

everyday life week 22

One of their favorite things – how high can we stack!

everyday life week 22

Can’t believe how much I’m loving grilled chicken now.

everyday life week 22

Next book on the list! The mornings have been chilly outside but beautiful.

everyday life week 22

Another sunset – last night Max grabbed my phone and took this pic himself.

everyday life week 22

On our family walk.

everyday life week 22

So pretty.

everyday life week 22

We saw a video on instagram where you draw rainbows with chalk, then pour water on them to watch the rainbow flow. We loved it!


The post A Week In The Life, Vol 22. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.

from How Sweet Eats https://ift.tt/2BjTmB7


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