What I Read In July 2020.

what i read in july 2020

July was a light reading month for me! I spent a lot of time working on my book edits and that ate into my reading time. I also had a hard time getting into some of the books I read, which lead me to taking more time to finish!

While I’m keeping my reviews here on the blog, remember that you can follow the goodreads account with what I’m reading, so you can see what I read in real time.

You can also join the book club! We have the instagram and secret facebook group here.

You can find my reading lists here and previous What I Read posts here. I’d love to hear below what you read this month!

What I Read in July 2020

Rodham – 3 stars

Man oh man I wanted to love this SO MUCH. American Wife is one of my all-time favorite books and I was so excited to read this one. The story follows Hillary from law school through life and is a tale of what would have happened if she didn’t marry Bill Clinton. I actually started out loving it, as odd as it was to read some of the scenes (ha!), but I didn’t love how it went on. It just seemed odd that parts of her life were left out and changed while some remained the same. I mean, I know it’s fiction so I didn’t expect it to be spot on, but it just wasn’t a huge hit for me. Would love to know your thoughts on this one!

Hello Summer – 3.5 stars

I’m telling you, I had a weird reading month. I love MKA books but this took me forever to get in to. The story follows a reported who ends up back in her hometown and tries to solve a mystery. I felt like the story was all over the place for so much of it. I wasn’t invested until at least halfway though and I found the main character and her sister to be so unlikable. I don’t know why! Now that I just complained, I DID like the book as it went on. I wasn’t totally satisfied with the ending but of course, enjoyed the love story!

The Boyfriend Project – 3.5 stars

Another one that I just liked. The main character ends a crappy relationship and becomes friends with the other women who were also duped. Again, I had such a hard time getting invested here. I love the friendship and did love the main character of this story so much though. I was a little torn on the love story (some of it seemed outlandish!) but ultimately did like the ending. Liked, not loved. It’s a good quick read!

Party of Two – 5 stars

This was our July book pick and I loved it so much! The story follows a lawyer who opens a new practice with her best friend and at the same time, meets a politician. Their chemistry is so good. I loved them as a couple and even through the twist at the end, was rooting for them. Definitely a lighthearted happy read that also has depth and significance!

How to Be An AntiRacist

Technically I listed to this one on audible, which a lot of times is my preferred way of listening to a nonfiction book! So far, this has definitely been the most informative book I’ve read on anti-racism and again, really opened my eyes. Definitely recommend it!

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The post What I Read In July 2020. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.

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