
Showing posts from January, 2021

Do The TikTok 4-Course Meal Challenge And We'll Tell You If You'll Be TikTok Famous

FYP! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

In A Crime Against Humanity, Boost Juice Have Dropped Three New Saucy BBQ Flavoured Smoothies

Including a soy sauce caramel shake. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

15 Fancy Restaurants Who Did Way, Way, Way, Way Too Much

Please...not like this. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I Bet We Can Accurately Guess Which US State You're From Based On This Soup Quiz

The stomach wants what the stomach wants. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Tell Us If You Think These 20 Soups Are Sexy And We'll Reveal Your Love Language

Just sexy, or SOUPer sexy? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

28 Things That Will Make You Basically Want To Live In Your Kitchen

Welcome to amateur chef heaven. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How Many Of These Unpopular Indian Foods Do You Like?

How grown up are your tastebuds? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

47 Three-Ingredient Trader Joe's Meals That Are Total Game Changers

For those times when you want something outrageously easy — but still delicious. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Eat Exclusively Italian Food For A Day And We'll Reveal Where You Belong In Italy

Bongiorno! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Buy Exclusively Pink Clothes And We'll Tell You What Type Of Donut Matches Your Vibe

On Wednesdays we wear pink! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Eat Soup For Every Meal And We'll Guess Your Height With 95% Accuracy

"She smells like soup. Her whole house smells like soup." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Subway Has Been Accused Of Having Tuna-Less Tuna And Jessica Simpson Weighed In With A Perfect Tweet

Ah, the age-old, "Is it chicken or fish?" debate. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

19 Incredibly Simple Soups You Can Make In A Slow Cooker Or Instant Pot

Low effort, high reward. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Upgrade These Boring Soups And We'll Guess Your Age

Two words: bread bowl. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Nutritionists And Dietitians Are Sharing The Meals They Make Or Buy When They're Feeling Lazy (But Still Want To Eat Well)

I'm trying several of these. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

You Can Only Save One Popular Meal For Each Food Item, And I'm Sorry, But It's Really Hard

Not gonna lie, the potato category is going to be HARD. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

A Journey in Enriched Sourdough: Buttery, Savory Cheese Rolls

The Perfect Loaf is a column from software engineer-turned-bread expert (and Food52's Resident Bread Baker), Maurizio Leo. Maurizio is here to show us all things naturally leavened, enriched, yeast-risen, you name it—basically, every vehicle to slather on a lot of butter. Today, a guide to making fluffy, perfectly enriched rolls. Harmony—a word that sums up the primary concern when developing a recipe that involves multiple ingredients and components; cooks and bakers know this all too well. When creating a new baking formula, I often step back to assess what I’m making to ensure all the components work in greater unity. The texture and flavors must play their part in contributing to the overall eating experience, and a successful recipe hinges on the presence of all these components in just the right proportion. Read More >> from Food52

Do You Prefer Fancy Soups Or Normal Soups?

Homemade ramen or instant noodles? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Century House Reno: Amanda & Timmie Roll Up Their Sleeves

The beach house was built just before the turn of the 20th century, back when the Hamptons were mostly potato fields and pitch pines . William Dwight Whitney, a Sanskrit scholar and linguist, constructed the house with proceeds from his 10-volume Century Dictionary , published in 1889. For this reason, it became known as “Century House” generations ago—and we call it that to this day. My husband Tad’s family, and an evolving generational tidal flow, have owned the house since 1915, but even as bankers have built gilded fortresses all around it, the Friends have staunchly resisted the temptation to sell. Instead, they’ve doubled down on keeping the house intact. Read More >> from Food52

Can You Recognize These Iconic Soups From Movies And TV Shows?

I'd like to eat all of these IRL. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I’m Genuinely Curious If You Like These Soups Or Not

Is French onion soup actually good? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Choose Some International Meals And We'll Reveal What % Remy You Are From "Ratatouille"

"Anyone can cook!" View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

‘Great British Bake Off’ Brings in James McAvoy for a Stare Off With Paul Hollywood

The newest celebrity edition of the show will star James McAvoy, Kelly Holmes, Daisy Ridley, and Dizzee Rascal from Eater - All

This SF Coffee Shop Owner Has Reached TikTok Stardom as ‘Your Korean Dad’

Image from Eater - All

It's Time To Choose Which Is Superior — The Soup Or The Salad

The ultimate showdown. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Eat Your Way Through This Fancy Dessert Buffet And We'll Reveal Which Coffee You Are In Your Soul

Nothing beats a good ol' cup of joe. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Pandemic Will Change How Restaurants Look in the Long Run, Too

Image from Eater - All

Kraft Is Introducing ‘Candy Mac & Cheese’ for Valentine’s Day, as if We Need More to Fear

Why? | Kraft The special sweetened powder will also turn your mac and cheese hot pink You ever bite into a creamy, comforting forkful of mac and cheese and think that what it really needs is some sugar? No! You have not! But maybe Kraft is suffering from quarantine brain because that’s exactly what it’s offering this Valentine’s Day. “Candy Kraft Mac & Cheese is made with the same cheesy Kraft Mac & Cheese Americans know and love, but includes a candy flavor packet to turn the mac & cheese pink and add hints of sweet candy flavor,” the company says . We assume eating the pink, sweet pasta together is intended to force couples into trauma bonding. Kraft of course understands that this is a troll move, and perhaps we’ve fallen into its marketing plan a bit by being so aghast. And actually, the first part isn’t so bad. If it were just pink mac & cheese, fine. It’s not like that orange color is “natural” anyway, so might as well get weird with it. But it’s holding the

5 Tangy-Sweet Rice Vinegar Substitutes

Oh, the versatility of rice. Cooked simply, it can slant savory or sweet. Try as they may, vegetables repurposed as rice, like cauliflower, can only dream of imitating its likeness. And while we all know (and love) rice in its granular form, this shape-shifter pantry staple can be ground or soaked into the main ingredient for noodles , bread , milk —you name it. Rice can even be fermented and processed into the main ingredient in a boozy beverage (hello, sake !) Speaking of fermented rice: Rice vinegar, or rice wine vinegar, is a seasoning agent derived from similar ingredients, albeit produced with a different technique. Commonly used in East Asian and some Southeast Asian cuisines, it's delicately tangy and slightly sweet, making it more mild in flavor and less acidic than its Western counterparts in the vinegar section. Rice vinegar comes in a range of colors, from white to yellow to red to black—each with varying flavor nuances and acidity strengths. Read More >> fro

The Crispy-Cheesy Legend of Mimi's Pizza

Bake It Up a Notch is a column by Resident Baking BFF Erin Jeanne McDowell. Each month, she'll help take our baking game to the next level, teaching us all the need-to-know tips and techniques and showing us all the mistakes we might make along the way. Today, a deep-dive into deep-dish pizza—and other cheesy pies Erin loves. It’s no secret that I love my home state, and I’m one of the few family members who’s drifted outside a 50 mile radius of our family homestead in Kansas. I’ve grown fairly used to living so far from my family, but that’s only thanks to multiple visits each year. Even so, I spend a significant part of every year searching for cures for homesickness. The only one I’ve ever found with any real power, is to head to the kitchen, and make some of my mom’s food. It rarely tastes as good as when she makes it—but there’s true comfort to be found in the familiar smells and tastes of my childhood. Read More >> from Food52

28 Times Tumblr Was Obsessed With Soup For No Reason

Unsure if I want to eat soup or I want to be soup. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Kraft Is Introducing ‘Candy Mac & Cheese’ for Valentine’s Day, as if We Need More to Fear

Why? | Kraft The special sweetened powder will also turn your mac and cheese hot pink You ever bite into a creamy, comforting forkful of mac and cheese and think that what it really needs is some sugar? No! You have not! But maybe Kraft is suffering from quarantine brain because that’s exactly what it’s offering this Valentine’s Day. “Candy Kraft Mac & Cheese is made with the same cheesy Kraft Mac & Cheese Americans know and love, but includes a candy flavor packet to turn the mac & cheese pink and add hints of sweet candy flavor,” the company says . We assume eating the pink, sweet pasta together is intended to force couples into trauma bonding. Kraft of course understands that this is a troll move, and perhaps we’ve fallen into its marketing plan a bit by being so aghast. And actually, the first part isn’t so bad. If it were just pink mac & cheese, fine. It’s not like that orange color is “natural” anyway, so might as well get weird with it. But it’s holding the

This Zojirushi Mug Makes My Winter Walks Tolerable

The vacuum insulated travel mug keeps drinks hot for hours Maintaining some semblance of a social life these days isn’t easy. Going to a friend’s house is out of the question, and even outdoor dining, which promises some level of comfort with its heaters and elaborate shelters, feels increasingly risky as coronavirus rates remain high and a new, more contagious variant shows up around the country. This basically leaves socially distanced walks as the most attractive way to catch up with people IRL, but even this conciliatory option presents problems. The biggest one: It’s cold. In New York at least, temperatures this time of year are consistently below freezing. Strolling in a full-on snowsuit is one way to stave off chill, but recently, I found another winter accessory that makes hanging outside (mostly) tolerable. On a December evening, post sundown, I agreed to meet some friends for a walk around the block; they promised to bring along some homemade hot toddies and presented the

3 Small-Batch Bitters for Better Cocktails (& Desserts, Too)

One of the things my partner and I used to argue about was who should take out the recycling. His case was that because I blew through cans of seltzer like a grumpy sponge, the onus should fall on me to drag our bin downstairs whenever it was full. I mean, sure, totally fair. Except he still ended up being the one to do it (mea culpa, honey). His solution: surprising me with a water carbonator and a gift certificate to our local cocktail supply shop, which boasts a selection of more than 100 different bitters. We picked an afternoon to go together and, since this was pre-COVID, we got to taste as many different bitters as we liked. Although it was a little overwhelming at first, we quickly narrowed in on a few companies that, no matter the flavor, outshined the rest with their thoughtful and meticulous craftsmanship. Whether you’re looking to spruce up your own bar, or looking for gifts for that cocktail aficionado in your life, these are our favorite small-batch bitters producers. R

The Soothing Science of Tea Steeping

In The Kitchen Scientist , The Flavor Equation author Nik Sharma breaks down the science of good food, from rinsing rice to salting coffee. Today: a piping hot cup of tea. Every afternoon at 4 p.m., I partake in my daily ritual: tea with cookies (often gingersnaps) or a sandwich (usually cucumber, salted butter, and a sprinkling of black pepper). And if I’m stressed or on a tight deadline, my work table will without fail contain a cup of tea. Read More >> from Food52

A 5-Minute Art Project to Bookmark for the Weekend

Follow the Pattern is a brand new column from furniture maker and upholstery expert (and Home52's Resident Design Wiz), Nicole Crowder. Nicole is here to show us how to breathe new life into old furniture, reuse and repurpose materials, take chances with color and pattern—and develop a signature aesthetic. Today, she guides us through a relaxing, anyone-can-do-it block print DIY with so many possibilities. Like many of you, I love a bold, colorful art print in my home. Art has a striking impact on so much of your home—from mood to dimensions to energy—and for me, the larger the canvas, the better. Read More >> from Food52

How Many Types Of Soup Can You Name In Under A Minute?

C'mon, this quiz should be soup er easy! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Why Caracas Arepa Bar’s House Salsa Is a Condiment All-Star

Caracas Arepa Bar’s house salsa | Caracas Arepa Bar [Official] The Venezuelan restaurant created the sauce by accident, but it’s come to be one of its most enduring hits There are condiments that work best when they’re added to other foods, and then there are condiments so good that they’re a star attraction in their own right. Such is the case with Caracas Arepa Bar’s spicy, sweet, and tangy house sauce — or, as Caracas co-owner Maribel Araujo calls it, “salsa Caracas.” I first encountered the gleaming, yellowish-green sauce in 2008. I was 19 years old, and had just moved to New York from my parents’ home in Gurgaon, India, to attend college. On one of my first solo outings to Manhattan, I made my way straight to Caracas. Although I didn’t know much about the city or its food scene, an aunt had told me that I had to check out the restaurant, which served what she described as the perfect street food. And so I found myself standing outside of Caracas’s tiny storefront on East 7th

29 Items For Anyone Who Has Become A Cook During Quarantine

It's ~thyme~ to go from novice to pro with these must have kitchen gadgets. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Best Recipes to Cook This Week, According to Eater Staffers Who Actually Cooked Them 

Nigella’s Chicken and Pea Traybake | Adam Moussa A chicken and pea traybake from Nigella, perfect blueberry muffins from Bon Appétit, and more It’s week trazillion-and-four of pandemic cooking, and you’ve hit a rut. Nay, a trench. Winter’s produce is less than inspiring, you’ve done all the things one can do to a bean, and while the digital cook-o-sphere is loaded with ideas, there are just too many of them. You scroll a few blogs, flip through some cookbooks, and give up. Beany Thursday strikes again. We’ve been there. We are there. But help is here. To sort through the noise of TikTok tortilla wraps and chickpea pastas , Eater has compiled a handful of the recipes — from blogs, magazines, publications, and cookbooks — that put the pep back in our pans this week, and which we hope will do the same for you. These are the dishes that Eater editors from across the country actually made recently, and we’re passing along any first-hand tips, hacks, or dietary substitutions that, h

31 Products To Turn Your Kitchen Into Your New Favorite Coffee Shop

Because your kitchen is cheaper and they'll never get your order wrong. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Campaign Is Making Food Labels Clearer To Reduce Waste – Here's How You Can Help Too

News flash: don't store your milk in the door of the fridge. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Create A Sushi Roll And We'll Reveal Which Popular Language You Should Learn ASAP

Should you learn the language of love? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Dislike 28/42 Of These Foods, Then You Might Be A Supertaster

It's basically a superpower. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

21 People Who Aren't Having The Best Luck With Food These Days

Sometimes eating cereal for dinner is just the safest option. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Chicago Chefs Prepare to Raise Prices If the Minimum Wage Increases

Getty Images from Eater - All

Minnesota Breweries Join Forces to Fight for the Right to Sell Growlers

Eliesa Johnson from Eater - All

A Chef’s Quest to Cook for the Cambodian King

Following his 2020 pop-up Touk, and first cookbook deal, Montreal chef Chanthy Yen is now trying to realize some regal ambitions from Eater - All

Sonny McKnight, the Affable Pitmaster That Led Red Hot & Blue Barbecue to National Success, Dies at 74

The “magnetic” first employee at the Memphis-style barbecue chain worked there for 30 years from Eater - All

15 Spring Wreath Ideas to Make or Buy

Spring. Is. Coming! Well, not yet, but we can’t help getting a little antsy for warmer weather and not being stuck inside our homes all day. While I am looking forward to a snowy weekend upstate in a few weeks, what I am looking forward to even more is seeing buds on the tree-lined streets of my neighborhood. One way to will spring into existence is to plan for its decor, of course—even as early as now! Our suggestion? Buying or DIYing one of the below-mentioned spring wreath ideas, and hanging it on the inside of your door, just to give yourself some cheer. Wild, I know, but could be worth it! Read More >> from Food52

18 Global Soup Recipes That'll Let You Travel Without Leaving Your Home

We can't travel the world right now — but we can at least eat like it. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Inside the End of the Hunts Point Produce Market Strike

Produce, pizza, and the power of a union. from Eater - All

Kraft Is Releasing A Pink Candy-Flavored Mac And Cheese For Valentine's Day, And The Internet Is Losing Its Mind

Yuck?? Or yum?? 🍭🍬 View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Instagram Really Isn’t Optional for Restaurants Anymore

Coronavirus confirmed it — the ’gram is the fastest and free-est way for restaurants to reach customers from Eater - All

Meet Five Spice Company Founders Demystifying the Industry

From Burlap & Barrel to Diaspora Co., get to know the spice companies making it their mission to support farmers and educate consumers Farmers Võ Ngọc Dũng and Vuong Huu Thanh move closer together so both their faces fit into the Zoom camera frame. Behind them, in the central Vietnamese province of Dak Lak, lush vines snake up tall trees. The wobbly camera moves up to a vine, showing off a cluster of tiny berries: peppercorns. Their audience, a group of mostly American spice lovers, quiz them through the chat function. How tall are the ladders they use to harvest the pepper? How do they like to cook with peppercorns? How much pepper does a single vine produce? The pair answers through a translator: around 20 feet high; grilled with snails or stewed with beef; about two kilogram s. The comment section lights up with praise. Ethan Frisch, who’s facilitating the conversation from his own screen in New York, loves this sort of interaction. For the co-founder of Burlap & Barrel

Our Favorite Nigella Lawson Recipes to Make for Dinner (& Dessert)

When looking to make a simple-yet-sublime dinner or dessert, open a Nigella Lawson recipe and you can rest (and cook) assured that the dish will be lick-your-plate tasty, but won’t leave your kitchen a mess or require a fourth trip to the grocery store. In fact, all but a couple of these recipes have been featured in the Genius Recipes column. Nigella’s just that good. In an effort to lift your spirits when it comes to heading to the kitchen to make dinner yet again—the pandemic-induced cooking rut is real, folks—a hefty dose of Nigella is in order, and nothing else will do. Not to tell you what to do but I’d strongly recommend you make one of these dinner recipes tonight (there’s a springy one-pan chicken recipe and a super-simple vegetarian linguine). And while you’re at it, poke around the kitchen to see if you have the ingredients to make one of these brilliant desserts. Me, I’m going for a pasta-slash-chocolate loaf cake evening. Read More >> from Food52 https://ift.

Tell Us A Little Bit About Yourself And We'll Reveal Which Dessert You Are On The Inside

You're a real sweetie! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Best Champagne for Mimosas? Here Are 12 of Our Favorites

A mimosa in your glass is an inherently happy thing: bubbly, zingy, and frequently indicative of a special occasion—for instance, any weekend morning. Though the formula is simple, the question frequently comes up: what is the best Champagne for mimosas? The answer is as delightful as the formula of orange juice and Champagne itself: any sparkling wine you deem worthy. Whether you spring for bottles of bona fide Champagne or reach for Spanish cava, Italian prosecco, or any other kind of imported or domestic bubbles (here are some great ones ), the resulting mimosa will be a delicious, satisfying pairing for your favorite mid-morning dish . Read More >> from Food52

Introducing: Our New Recipe Contest Community Moderators

We've long prided ourselves on our recipe contests, calling upon our community of cooking and baking enthusiasts to share their latest, greatest creations with us. The finalists earn a place in the Food52 recipe log, and the winner takes home a feature on the homepage, and bragging rights for eternity. Our community moderators help us narrow down the very best contest recipes, using their years of culinary experience (and general love for our outstanding readers) to analyze each entry from mise en place to plate. After much deliberation—and we mean much —they declare the champion, and we all celebrate. Read More >> from Food52

What Kind Of Soup Are You?

SOUP, there it is! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food