
Showing posts from February, 2021

20 American Foods That Make Complete Sense To Americans But Absolutely No Sense To Anyone Else

Marshmallows just do not belong on sweet potatoes. Sorry. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

You Won't Believe Us, But We Can Guess Your Hair Color Based On The Ice Cream Sundae You Make

Something tells me we'll get it right. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

50+ Weeknight Meal Ideas For When You Want Dinner On The Table Fast

Dinner in 30? You've got this. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

35 Delicious Foods You Can Get Online

*sits next to the door with a full table setting while waiting for the delivery to arrive* View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Nutritionists And Dietitians Are Sharing Their Go-To Healthy Breakfasts And I'm Taking Notes

If you're trying to eat a little healthier this year, start with one meal: breakfast. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

What Kind Of Indian Bread Are You?

You surely knead to find out. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

45 One-Pan, One-Pot, And One-Sheet Recipes For All Your Weeknight Cooking Needs

Minimal clean-up, maximum flavor. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

31 Handheld Kitchen Tools Reviewers Can't Get Enough Of

A cookie scoop, magical dusting wand, and culinary blow torch that are calling your name. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Our 10 Most Popular Recipes in February

February is the last full month of winter (huzzah!), which means our food was heavy on the comfort, much like a heated weighted blanket. These are the 10 new recipes that our community click-click-clicked on the most; 70 percent are sweet treats, from peanut butter cookies to cinnamon rolls, a statistic I’m pretty giddy about. So grab a glass of oat milk and let’s get started. From Our Shop our line! Five Two Ultimate Baking Tool Set $49 our line! Five Two Silicone Baking Mat $15 10. Miso Peanut Butter Cookies With Sesame & Chocolate “These cookies have a lot going on, and that’s a good thing,” writes contributor Kiera Wright-Ruiz. Funky miso? Check. Gooey peanut butter? Check. Crunchy black sesame? Check. Melty pools of dark chocolate that I would like to dive into? Check. Read More >> from Food52

Lessons in Sustainable Living From My 100-Year-Old Japanese Farmhouse

Welcome to Real-Life Renos , where we’re pulling back the curtains to the home renos we just can’t get enough of. Tag along as our favorite designers, chefs, and cookbook authors welcome us inside their spaces and share the behind-the-scenes stories behind their transformations. We’ll explore their takes on sustainable living, how they express their identities through design, how they create beautiful spaces that center around accessibility—and so much more. At first it was only a daydream to own a farmhouse in Japan. Read More >> from Food52

Eat A Taco Bell Feast And We'll Accurately Guess If You're A Child, Teen, Adult, Or Elder

Live más! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

14 Black-Owned Kitchen Product Brands You'll Wish You'd Known About Sooner

From practical cast-iron skillets to whimsical colored wine glasses, there's something here for every aesthetic. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

It’s Nearly Impossible To Spend Less Than $10 On Movie Concessions — Can You Do It?

Movie theatre popcorn >>> View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Only A Genuine Toast Fan Has Tried More Than 20 Toppings On This List

How many of these toppings have you tried on your toast? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Choose Some Flowers And We'll Guess Your Favorite Food

Roses are red, violets are blue, let's see if I know your favorite food! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Tell Us About A Delicious Dish From Your Country's Cuisine That Others Should Try

Don't keep these fantastic recipes to yourself! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Is the Best Vegan Cookbook (For Everyone)

This review is part of our community-driven book tournament, The Big Community Book-Off . With your help, we’re finding the best books across categories (from bread to pasta, Instant Pots to cooking fundamentals, and cake to cookies, to name a few), and putting them through a series of rigorous reviews—considered, tested, and written by none other than you. We’d originally introduced you to three community members, Grace , Rohita , and Jared . Unfortunately, during the review process, Grace tested positive for COVID-19 and lost her sense of smell and taste, making judging recipes a nearly impossible task. While she wasn’t able to fully participate in the final review, Grace still shared some of her thoughts on the cookbooks. We wish her a speedy recovery! Read More >> from Food52

26 Things That'll Make Mealtime With Toddlers A Little Easier

A board game plate just might keep everyone in the family from getting hangry. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How to Make French Toast—A Definitive Guide

It's late, you just got home, and you're hungry. You have some stale bread, some eggs, and some dairy. Or: It's Sunday morning, and your kids are shrieking, and you want to cook something—something quick!—that will get them all starry-eyed, quiet, and happy. Or: You're tired of salads and roasted vegetables and even meat and fish and you want something soothing, something easy, and something decidedly un-seasonal for dinner. Good thing you know how to make French toast .  The French call it pain perdu, meaning "lost bread," but "found bread" might be more accurate. As in, you don't know what to eat, so you look around. Your humble pantry holds just a few basics: milk, eggs, and, forgotten in a cupboard, a hunk of stale bread. It's an excellent find,  because with a little alchemy, you'll soon have culinary gold.  Read More >> from Food52

Millennials Are Obsessed With Charcuterie Boards And I Just Want To Know Why

I am unavailable to take questions at this time. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How to Dye the Prettiest Easter Eggs with Pantry Staples

I’ve always liked the idea of natural, homemade alternatives to artificial dyes and foods, but the continued convenience of running to the store kept me resistant to change. When my first daughter was born, though, natural products and non-processed foods became the necessity. She’s intolerant to countless foods, fragrances and common household chemicals with just a few dozen safe ingredients. Learning to live life with an infant while revamping the way we eat, cook, and clean was overwhelming—but I’m so thankful for it now. Cooking from scratch, choosing fresher ingredients, and getting clear on what we’re putting on and in our bodies has been a benefit to our whole family, while also keeping her allergic reactions away. My misconception was that homemade products had to take longer, cost more, and be less satisfying. As it turned out, I actually liked that I could make a loaf of bread for pennies during nap time, or find new hacks for cleaning my house with fewer chemicals. And I de

Fill Up At Cracker Barrel And We'll Accurately Guess How Southern You Really Are

The only place where the tables are big enough for 20+ plates! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Which Region Of Your Tongue Is Dominant?

What's happening on that palette of yours? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Will Meal Kits Go Back in the Box After the Pandemic?

Meal kits were a means of survival for London restaurants in 2020. If restaurants reopen in summer 2021, they could take on new meaning — or fade away as fast as they arrived from Eater - All

As Cities Mandate Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers, Groceries Sue

A grocery employee wipes down a protective plastic screen that surrounds her cash register during the early days of the pandemic | Joe Raedle/Getty Images One year into the pandemic, grocery store workers still face major resistance to getting the hazard pay they deserve This story was originally published on Civil Eats . Nearly a year into the pandemic, a new battle is brewing over grocery workers’ right to hazard pay. Earlier this week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to give grocery workers a short-term $5 per hour pay increase , following the city of Long Beach’s approval in January of an ordinance that would require grocery stores with at least 300 employees nationally to provide their employees with an extra $4 an hour on top of their established hourly wages for a minimum of 120 days. The same day Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia signed the city ordinance into law, the California Grocers Association (GCA), a trade group representing the industry, f

How to Store Carrots So They Last for Months

In The Kitchen Scientist , The Flavor Equation author Nik Sharma breaks down the science of good food, from rinsing rice to salting coffee. Today: the right way to store carrots. I rarely buy a lot of carrots unless I’m making carrot cake, a large pot of soup, or gajjar ka halwa, a carrot-based Indian dessert. The refrigerator I’m stuck with is tight on space and its temperature seems irregular. Sometimes the vegetables in the crisper turn frosty. We even had a frozen carrot situation once, and the only “person” who loves that is my puppy—it helps with his teething. But carrots are one of those vegetables that can last for a good amount of time if stored properly (and if you have a proper refrigerator). Read More >> from Food52

Design Your Dream Coffee Shop And We'll Tell You What Type Of Bagel Matches Your Vibe

Are you ~everything~? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How Pitmaster Matt Horn Developed His Signature ‘West Coast-Style’ Barbecue in Oakland

Horn Barbecue is the chef’s highly anticipated pop-up-turned-permanent restaurant “At Horn Barbecue , we have the opportunity to create something where we’re not specifically stuck with one tradition,” says Oakland pitmaster Matt Horn. That’s because instead of sticking to just one barbecue style, Horn combines his Bay Area roots with Central Texas barbecue and traditions from the deep south to create what he calls “West Coast-style” barbecue. Horn fell in love with barbecue from a young age, when he learned how to make juicy brisket, tender oxtail, fall-off-the-bone-ribs, hot link sausage, and other meats using his grandfather’s cooker without even using a thermometer. “Everything that we do here is by feel. You can use thermometers but we like to teach that technique and that instinct of relying on feel,” he says. “That’s how I taught myself to cook, by feel.” Now, at his anticipated pop-up-turned-permanent restaurant, he makes all of those dishes and more for long lines of eager

33 Black-Owned Food Products Sure To Make Your Mouth Water

Caribbean-inspired ice pops to fill up your freezer, unfiltered raw honey you'll wanna put on everything, perfectly seasoned microwaveable beans that'll speed up any meal, and lots more stuff that'll make you hungry. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Capacity Caps Will Be Removed for Massachusetts Restaurants on March 1

Restaurant workers are still not eligible for the vaccine from Eater - All

The Black Women Designers Behind Patterns We Love

Follow the Pattern is a brand new column from furniture maker and upholstery expert (and Home52's Resident Design Wiz), Nicole Crowder. Nicole is here to show us how to breathe new life into old furniture, reuse and repurpose materials, take chances with color and pattern—and develop a signature aesthetic. Today, she spotlights four of her favorite Black women pattern designers. Pattern design permeates our homes quite literally, from floor to ceiling, across art prints, wallpaper, textiles, and rugs. We may not always be conscious of it, but we encounter its imprint on our lives and culture everyday. However, along its lifecycle from a designer’s hand to the product that adorns your home, the name and face behind its design often get lost. And as I’ve tried to trace back some of my favorite patterns—the ones I instinctually turn to as an upholsterer and designer—I found that often the face was that of a Black woman. Read More >> from Food52

Ranking Cheap Australian University Meals From "Sad Student Memories" To "This Is Still My Shit"

"Screw that salad that costs $13 when I can have chicken chips for $2." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Toppings Quiz Will Determine Whether You're Basic Or Extra

Do you drown your pancakes in syrup or add just a little? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Snow Didn’t Stop. Neither Did Chef Lex Grant.

Portland’s Lex Grant has cooked in the NBA bubble and for Oprah Winfrey. Now, she’s making the food she grew up with for anyone who wants it—rain, shine, or snowfall from Eater - All

NYC Restaurant Workers Saw Drop in Tips After COVID-19 Surcharge, According to New Survey

The responses are part of a new One Fair Wage survey outlining an overall drop in tips during the pandemic from Eater - All

The New Five Two Bench Scraper Will Be Your Kitchen Superhero

When it comes to the kitchen, there are myriad tools I want , but only a handful I need , and near the top of my list is a bench scraper. The flat rectangular tool (you can find some made of flexible plastic, others of sturdy metal) is sort of a cross between a chef's knife and a spatula, and it will become your kitchen superhero in no time. And before you say but I’m not a big baker, I don’t need this! , know that while you can certainly use a bench scraper for trimming laminated pastry and frosting layer cakes, I still think one of the best reasons to keep such a tool around is to seamlessly transfer chopped vegetables from the cutting board to a sizzling skillet (more on that later). Plus, I bet you’ve made a tray of brownies lately that would have benefited from evenly sliced squares? Or wanted to scrape up stubborn bits of food stuck to your kitchen counter? A bench scraper, specifically a metal one, can help. Read More >> from Food52

An Easy Crab Fried Rice Recipe From NYC Thai Restaurant Fish Cheeks

Give it a try the next time you have leftover rice Frustrated by both the recent violence towards Asian Americans and its lack of coverage in the mainstream media, a small coalition of New York City’s top Asian-American chefs and restaurant owners have formed a grassroots initiative called #EnoughIsEnough . Its focus is to donate meals to homeless shelters that serve largely Asian-American, Black, and brown populations while raising awareness. In addition to the meal donations, the group organized a virtual cooking class held on February 22. All of the 22 restaurants involved are small, beloved local places, many with no more than 30 seats, but together they are making good on the initiative’s mission: to show the power of collective action. While Enough Is Enough has met its goal of raising $25,000 , any donations made past that mark will be given to charities that help Asian communities in need, such as Send Chinatown Love , and Welcome to Chinatown , and Yin Chang and Moonlynn Ts

Can We Guess Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie Based On Your TV Show Preferences?

There are no wrong answers here. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Canadian Butter Crisis, Explained

So, so much has changed over the past year. Apparently, the texture of butter in Canada is one of those things. There’s a storm brewing online over what some outlets are calling “Buttergate.” It all started on Twitter (where else?) when Canadian food writer, Julie Van Rosendaal , stared into the digital abyss and pondered a seemingly innocuous query: Was the butter in Canada different? Had the texture changed? More specifically, was it less soft at room temperature? Read More >> from Food52

Make Some Dinner And We'll Accurately Guess How Many Siblings You Have

There's nothing like annoying your siblings at the dinner table! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Will Regenerative Agriculture Change How We Grocery Shop?

Look for the word "regenerative" at your local grocery store. Chances are, you'll spot it on boxes of mac and cheese, cartons of milks, or even bags of chips. Regenerative agriculture, also called carbon farming, has become the latest darling of everyone from food companies to universities to politicians . But what is regenerative agriculture? How do products made with these practices differ from others, and can buying them help consumers fight the climate crisis? Here's what you need to know about this farming philosophy. What Is Regenerative Agriculture? Ask 10 different people to define regenerative agriculture, and you'll get 10 different answers. There is no one single definition, although several organizations are currently working to establish formal guidelines. Read More >> from Food52

If You've Eaten 11/20 Of These Weird Food Combos, You're An Adventurous Eater

How many of these weird and wacky combos have you tried? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Curry Con Man

J. Ranji Smile served Indian food and tall tales to a hungry American public. Was he the first “celebrity chef” or a crook? The truth is complicated. from Eater - All

Speedy One-Skillet Chicken Dinners, Because We Could All Use a Win Right Now

It's the end of the long workday (or the start of an extra-long week) and we're hungry. Like, "can't-think-straight" hungry. Luckily, Food52 contributor EmilyC wants to do all the thinking for us. In Dinner's Ready , her monthly column on weeknight wonders, she shares three simple, flavor-packed recipes that are connected by a single idea or ingredient. Stick with Emily, and you'll have a good dinner on the table in no time. Today, Emily shows us how to make never-boring, totally-simple chicken dinners in one pan. You know that little skip in your step you get on a day when something good happens? Maybe you get good news from a friend or a family member, or a project at work comes to a successful close, or it’s a good hair day even though you haven’t had a cut in months. (It’s the small things, right?) Read More >> from Food52

If You Can't Identify Over 11 Of These Condiments, Sorry, Your Tastebuds Are Kinda Bland

I ~relish~ how tasty all of these condiments are. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How the Past Year Changed Restaurant Criticism

Ryan Sutton/Eater NY Between calls for racial justice and an industry-devastating pandemic, the traditional role of critic is adapting to the times The image of the traditional restaurant critic — an older white man, surreptitious in appearance yet hearty in appetite, issuing snobbish judgments from behind a white tablecloth— was out-of-date long before the pandemic hit. White men aren’t the only ones who have worthwhile opinions on restaurants; upscale iterations of French or Italian cuisine aren’t the only foods worth talking about; and anonymity, the sacred shield of the restaurant critic, doesn’t necessarily work the way it used to. (As the San Francisco Chronicle ’s restaurant critic Soleil Ho put it , “I am a millennial and I’ve been on the internet for 15 years — it’s really hard to cover up my tracks at this point.”) Such shifts in the world of criticism and food writing broadly were already underfoot; then came the pandemic, which rocked the entire restaurant industry (no

The Absolute Best Way to Make Croutons, According to So Many Tests

In Absolute Best Tests , Ella Quittner destroys the sanctity of her home kitchen in the name of the truth. She's boiled dozens of eggs, mashed a concerning number of potatoes, and seared more porterhouse steaks than she cares to recall. Today, she tackles croutons. On the wall of a café in the historic district of Moscow, not far from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station, hangs the portrait of a young woman. She stares into the eyes of whoever passes her canvas, lips parted merrily to reveal just her upper incisors. Strands of hair whip across her forehead and nose as if she’s caught in a gust of wind. Read More >> from Food52

The Tiny, Magical, Mesmerizing World of Dollhouse Decor

I follow a ton of home decor and designer accounts on Instagram, which largely informs my pulse on what’s new, what’s trendy, and what’s fading out. So it comes as no surprise that I’ve become entranced with accounts that fall into the intersecting venn diagram chunk of oddly niche (like: an otter family that lives in Korea, a very creepy cartoonist , and an account full of Thai cooking videos I watch specifically to fall asleep ) and home decor. My latest obsession? Dollhouse decor. Tiny things have always been exciting, you have to admit. I absolutely adore Tastemade’s Tiny Kitchen videos (mini loaves of bread! Little baby empanadas!) and recently impulse-ordered a set of tiny cats in dresses because, why not? These dollhouses are no exception, and they’re certainly not the plastic snap-together type from the 90s. They’re extravagant, hyperrealistic, and incredibly detailed. Read More >> from Food52

These Iconic Aussie Foods Just Made Hybrid Food Babies And I'm Drooling

When two become one. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Choose Some Adorable Animals And We'll Accurately Guess What You Had For Breakfast

It was cereal, wasn't it? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Rate These Ice Cream Flavors And We'll Guess Your Dad's First Initial

Believe it or not, your dad's name and your ice cream preferences have a correlation! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Can We Guess Your Eye Color Based On Your Taco Preferences?

The tortilla knows all. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

21 Quizzes For The World's Biggest Pasta Lover

Well, now I'm starving. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

San Francisco Will Be the First Major City in California to Bring Back Indoor Dining

City officials expect indoor dining to resume on March 3 from Eater - All

I Bet You Can't Successfully Spend Over $85 On Groceries At Trader Joe's

It's tougher than you might think. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Is Gonna Sound Fake, But We Can Guess Your Favorite Color Based On The Breakfast Sandwich You Make

Sandwiches are great at all times of the day. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

It Should Go Without Saying, but Please Don’t Scam Restaurants Right Now

Shutterstock People are using credit card disputes to get free meals and it’s putting restaurants out of business The restaurant industry might be in dire straights, but that’s not stopping some people from scamming small business to get free food. According to a report in the LA Times , an increasing number of customers have been filing credit card disputes on meal charges, falsely claiming that their order was missing items or that it never arrived. Credit card companies typically favor cardholders in these incidents and will issue refunds that the restaurants then must pay for, or in instances where the delivery person is blamed, someone might lose their job. The most egregious story comes from the restaurant Spoon by H, whose owner, Yoonjin Hwang, says she will have to close at the end of the month because she’s lost so much money to this kind of scam. In one instance, a customer put in an order for more than $700 through Tock, and then claimed fraud. Hwang sent photo evidenc

If You've Had More Than 30/60 Of These Cereals, Then You're Probably A Night Person

Lucky Charms are essential. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Rampant Heater Theft Is the Latest Blow to Outdoor Dining

Viktor Zolotukhin /Shutterstock The rush to purchase heat lamps for outside seating has led to a lucrative secondary market — and a surge in stealing On the Thursday before Valentine’s Day, in the early hours of the morning, McGillin’s Olde Ale House had its heat lamps stolen. In a time when outdoor heating can be the difference between a restaurant surviving the winter or shuttering for good, these lamps, as the thief likely knew, were more valuable than cash. Footage from a nearby security camera showed a person slowly driving a white pickup truck down the street by McGillin’s outdoor dining setup, which is a block and a half away from the pub. It was after 1 a.m. and a cold, snowy night; the street was empty. Still, says McGillin’s owner Chris Mullins, who reviewed the camera footage, it looked like the culprit was taking their time to avoid attracting attention. After first doubling back on foot to cut the bike locks securing the heaters, the thief then pulled up in the pickup

Can You Eat Raw Scallops? A Definitive Explainer

The day I joined Alex Todd on his scalloping boat out of Portland, Maine, I missed a key memo: Bring lunch. Alex is a day-boat scallop fisherman, which means he drags for scallops only in the short winter season, leaving at dawn and staying at sea until he’s filled his 15-gallon quota, which that day took 12 hours. Alex’s generosity saved me. While he and his crew ate prepacked sandwiches, I lunched on his scallops, untouched, shucked from their shells minutes before. The answer to can you eat raw scallops is emphatically, 100 percent yes. Raw scallops are not just edible; they’re incredible. The scallop’s natural sweetness is never on display so clearly as before it’s cooked. And uses for raw scallops are endless: carpaccio, crudo, tartare, sushi, or, as on that day, just popped in your mouth like candy. The one catch: To go raw, you need to choose your scallops carefully. What you find behind most supermarket seafood counters won’t live up to my lunch at sea. Read More >>

What Is Durum Wheat (& How the Heck Do You Bake With It)

The Perfect Loaf is a column from software engineer-turned-bread expert (and Food52's Resident Bread Baker), Maurizio Leo. Maurizio is here to show us all things naturally leavened, enriched, yeast-risen, you name it—basically, every vehicle to slather on a lot of butter. Today, how to turn high-protein durum flour into a golden loaf of bread. If you’re a fresh pasta-maker, chances are high you’re familiar with durum wheat. Though the species is most commonly used to make pasta, it’s also an excellent choice to incorporate into bread. It’s a hard wheat—hence the name durum, which is Latin for “hard,”—and is so-called because of the strength of the durum berry itself, requiring significant force to mill. The grain has a high protein percentage, but the gluten quality in durum flour doesn’t have the same gas-trapping characteristics as traditional wheat. This means when using even finely-milled durum flour. The resulting bread will have a tighter, more cake-like crumb, or internal

15 Colorful, Floral, & Earthy Spring Candles to Brighten Any Home

Now that the temperatures in New York have been popping back up into the 40s again (balmy!), I’m cracking the windows for daytime fresh air and digging my floral candles back out (goodnight, pine scents, your time is up!). I’m in the market for some candles with more than a fourth of their wax left, though, which has led me towards the vague (but oddly descriptive?) world of online candle shopping. I’ve got to admit: The descriptions on candles with their “scent profiles'' often make me giggle. What does “makeshift architecture of these poetic gems” really mean? And can you actually boil down the scent of “russet underbrush?” That said, it’s relatively easy to sniff out a winning candle even from afar, and the following list of options all either sound enticing, are confirmed delicious-smelling, or simply promise to add a pop of springtime happiness to any table. Read More >> from Food52

Rapper Travis Scott Is Getting Into the Spiked Seltzer Game

The rapper’s newest venture, called Cacti, is set to hit shelves next month from Eater - All

TUNE IN NOW: What Does the Future of Restaurant Criticism Look Like?

Wonho Frank Lee Join a discussion with food industry experts on where the traditional world of criticism stands, especially during the pandemic from Eater - All

Rate These Wedding Cakes And We'll Reveal Your True Marriage Date

The answer is always in the cake! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food