11 Cleaning Tools Practically Begging to Be Shown Off

I had a friend over the other night for drinks. A few margaritas in, he dropped a handful of cracker crumbs on the floor—and panicked a little (my friends know me well). I sprang into action: not in an argh-you’re-so annoying way, but with a little skip, practically singing out: “This is no problem at all (lalalalalala)”. If he was surprised at my lack of annoyance, he didn’t show it. I grabbed my Iris Hantverk crumb brush and pan—at the ready at all times—and got to work.

My floors promptly reinstated, my friend asked to look at the little miracle worker. He proceeded to stare at it for what felt like long seconds, and said, a little emotionally, that it was the sweetest cleaning tool he had ever seen. “OMG YESSS LET ME BUY ONE FOR YOU,” I practically yelled. Two days and one expedited delivery later, he sent me a photo of what is now—his words, not mine—his favorite kitchen “decor item”.


from Food52 https://ift.tt/3joDpgn


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