
Showing posts from October, 2021

Please Tell Me You're Not Putting Ranch On More Than 13 Of These Foods

When it comes to ranch, I don't make the rules. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

40 Overrated Food Trends People Are Sick Of Seeing On Menus

Enough with the ranch dressing. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I Want To Hear About The Most Embarrassing Experience You've Ever Had While Dining Out With Your Family

To this day, there are restaurants I'm still too embarrassed to show my face in. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

33 Easy Dinner Prep Ideas You'll Want To Try ASAP

Even when you *do* have the time for elaborate, complicated dinner prep, you'll wanna lean on these tips to make prep easy-peasy. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I Swear I'll Drink A Bowl Of Gravy If We Can't Accurately Guess Your Favorite Thanksgiving Dish

It is almost the best time of the year...Thanksgiving! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Choose Between These Chocolate And Non-Chocolate Candies To Reveal If You're More Alex Or Camryn From "Twitches"

Double trouble!! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Answer "No" To Most Of These Questions, You're Bad At Buying Groceries

If you don't put the cart back into the cart return, we're not off to a good start. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Not Trying To Freak You Out, But We Can Guess Your Relationship Status Based On Your Food Preferences

Single as a Pringle! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Say "Yuck" Or "Yum" To These Fall Carnival Foods And We'll Guess Your Generation

Grab your cozy flannel and let your taste buds do the rest! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Bowl Of Pasta You Make Will Determine If You And Billie Eilish Were Meant To Be Besties

Pesto pasta with salad = BFFS View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Be Honest And Tell Us About Your Drinking Habits To Reveal Which "Friends" Character Matches Your Vibe

Cheers! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

You Can Only Pick Foods That Begin With The Letter "A" Or "B," And Sorry, But It's Really Difficult

Avocado toast is overrated. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

35 Products To Cut Time Out Of Making Dinner

No need to get hangry — these products will help get dinner on the table in no time. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I’m Revoking Your Disney+ Subscription If You Can’t Guess 50% Of The Correct Disney Foods

Be our guest and put your memory to the test. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

JAIL To These 57 Cursed Cakes And The People Who Made Them

If cakes could kill. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

These 19 Adults Are Still Struggling With The Horrific Memories Of Their Parents' Cooking

Torturing food should be a punishable offence. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Pick 8 Trader Joe's Items And We'll Guess Your Zodiac Sign Element

Mmmm, orange chicken. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Eat Even Just 2 Of These Foods With A Fork, Then You're A Monster

If you eat bacon with a fork, you're a seriously disturbed person. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Eat A 5-Star Meal To Reveal How Rich You'll Be In The Future

Who knew you could actually eat gold... View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Let's See If You Can Manage To Buy A Week's Worth Of Groceries On A Minimum Wage Budget

It's not easy. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How I Became the Keeper of My Mother-in-Law’s Spinach Rice Recipe

Good food is worth a thousand words—sometimes more. In My Family Recipe , a writer shares the story of a single dish that's meaningful to them and their loved ones. I started a pandemic kitchen notebook in April 2020, three weeks into California’s first lockdown . “What We Ate in Covid Quarantine,” I wrote on the inaugural page, adding a jaunty swoosh under the title. Each day, I’d record our meals: cobbled-together leftover lunches, mother-son baking adventures, ambitious holiday projects, and obligatory sourdough experiments. Read More >> from Food52

Our Most Common Decluttering Dilemmas, Answered by a Pro

The title of professional organizer Shira Gill’s new book Minimalista: Your Step-by-Step Guide to a Better Home, Wardrobe, and Life might have you thinking of all-white spaces and capsule wardrobes of just 25 items of clothing (I know that’s what I used to think when I heard the word “minimalist”). However Shira’s brand of minimalism is different: It makes room for all types of aesthetics and styles, kids, spouses, pets, and in Gill’s own case, a weakness for vintage jeans. In the introduction to Minimalista Gill writes, “To me minimalism doesn’t refer to the lack or absence of something. It’s about having the perfect amount. Just enough without the excess. More specifically, I mean the exact right number of something for you . You might love hats. No problem. One hat is the perfect number of hats for me. For you, it could be ten. It could be fifteen. It’s probably not one hundred. I preach a philosophy of minimalism that confronts excess—not one that deprives you of the things you

31 Kid-Friendly (And Adult-Approved) Snack Ideas That Are Guaranteed To Delight Even The Pickiest Of Eaters

Parents — just save some for the *actual* kids, OK? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Make Your Way Through This Breakfast/Dinner Buffet And We'll Reveal If You're More Jack Skellington Or Victor Van Dort

What's this? What's that? There's food everywhere!! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Are You A Freak For Peanut Butter?

It's time to test your peanut butter devotion. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Order Some Appetizers To See Where You’ll Be In Five Years

Mozzarella sticks know your future. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Say "Yay" Or "Nay" To These ~Interesting~ Food Pairings And We'll Reveal How Eccentric Your Palate Is

You're forbidden to say "yes" to apples & BBQ sauce! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The World Is Finally Over Pumpkin Spice

Before kids are even getting on the bus for their first day of school, coffee and retail chains have already stocked their shelves and updated their menus with pumpkin spice everything —lattes, pretzels and potato chips, flavored hummus, scented candles, and so, so, so much more. Pumpkin spice started to peak between 2012 and 2016 and hasn’t relented. But honestly, I’m over it and apparently, so is most of the United States. Sure, pumpkin spice products are festive and immediately want to make me put away my shorts forever and only wear my coziest fisherman’s sweater for days on end. But, with the exception of some luxurious pumpkin candles, many pumpkin spice products are not good! There, I said it and I won’t take it back. But don’t get mad at me. According to Pinterest data, most people feel this way. Searches for pumpkin recipes are decreasing while more and more users are looking for apple recipes. This is not statistics class. I failed statistics class in high school miserably

Wait, So Does Cooking Actually Kill Salmonella?

Here at Food52, I have covered pop culture phenomena like Ted Lasso and The Great British Bake Off . I have shared tips for food and produce storage , written dozens of delicious recipe roundups , and professed my love to Stanley Tucci . But I’ve also written about lots and lots of recalls due to salmonella, E.coli , and listeria outbreaks. And that’s because it seems like every week, something new is being recalled. I’ve researched why there are so many salmonella outbreaks in products such as hummus, raw onions, and carrots, but there’s still one question that remains: Does cooking kill salmonella? “The short answer is yes, cooking will kill salmonella, but it has to be the right type of cooking,” says Trevor Craig, corporate director of technical consulting for Microbac Laboratories. This doesn’t mean that if you knowingly have chicken breasts that have been recalled you should cook with them anyway. You should discard them immediately or return them to the place of purchase. B

These Food Words Were Just Added to the Dictionary

Language is not a fixed thing. If you need any proof of that, go read Shakespeare or something. No, but really, language is a constantly evolving, amorphous being. It changes and adapts to its environment. Take 2020 for example, in the course of one—extremely momentous—year, the English language adopted an entire host of new phrases to reflect our situation and communicate our new reality. (Had you ever said “Zoom happy hour” before last year? Me neither.) Who better to formally arbitrate our current vocabulary than Merriam-Webster themselves? Yes, the folks at the eponymous dictionary actually add new (and additional meanings to existing) words annually in a bid to modernize the language and this year’s batch just dropped. But first, a few gems from last year: self-isolate , WFH , contactless . There are, of course, important additions by Merriam-Webster to the 2021 English language, like deplatform and super-spreader, that accurately depict our modern speech, but because we’re a foo

A Thanksgiving Cheese Basket to Cure Pre-Dinner Hanger

That Cheese Plate is a column by Marissa Mullen—cookbook author, photographer, and Food52's Resident Cheese Plater. With Marissa's expertise all things cheddar, comté, and crudité—plus tips for how to make it all look extra special, using stuff you probably have on hand—we'll be crafting our own cheesy masterpieces without a hitch. When I think of Thanksgiving, I envision a big golden turkey roasting in the oven; warm, thick gravy; creamy mashed potatoes; and tart cranberry sauce. I usually try to save my appetite for dinner, but as these delicious warm fragrances tempt me, I'm usually hungry for an appetizer long before the big meal. Thanksgiving cheese boards are the perfect way to satiate your guests a few hours before the hot dishes are ready. You can pace yourself, create small portions, and opt in for fruit and protein to pass the time. Read More >> from Food52

The Best Loaf Cake Recipes, According to Eater Editors

Shutterstock From banana bread to pumpkin bread to French-style yogurt cake, the easy baking recipes we keep returning to Banana bread became a pandemic staple for an obvious reason — baking in a loaf pan is possibly the easiest kind of baking there is. And as autumn practically demands a treat that’s simple and comforting and best paired with a warm beverage and some kind of knit throw, here now are the loaf cake (and yes, sometimes bread ) recipes that Eater’s editors return to for fall vibes, time and again. Miso-Maple Loaf Cake Dorie Greenspan, NYT Cooking As someone of the belief that the combination of miso and maple is akin to godliness, I am the target demographic for Dorie Greenspan’s miso-maple loaf. Out of the 150 recipes in her new cookbook, Baking with Dorie , it is the one I baked first, impatient to devour whatever emerged from the oven. Needless to say I wasn’t disappointed. This is a plain but potent loaf, faintly reminiscent of pound cake but with a savory edg

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cassava

Sophia Pappas Starchy, versatile, and nearly indestructible in the wild, cassava is one of the world’s most important tubers In this country, the question of how to round out a meal of meat and vegetables with a starch usually leads straight to the potato. But in other regions of the world, particularly Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia, the answer is frequently cassava. Large, starchy, and seemingly inedible when raw, the tuber can initially be intimidating, especially if you’ve never prepared one or lack a cultural connection to it — its rough skin and rootlike appearance might make you question how long it will need to boil until you can realistically sink your teeth into it. But for much of the world’s growing population, cassava is a major source of sustenance, making it a big player in our increasingly complicated food chain. While cassava has recently become more visible in this country as an ingredient in health-conscious snacks and plant-based food products, it ha

This Adjustable Pillow Is Why I’m Sleeping So Much Better

I’m someone who can sleep anywhere—on the train, in the middle seat of a plane, in a quiet corner of a coffee shop, you name it. But I’m also someone who wakes up feeling just okay, never fully refreshed, bright-eyed, or bushy-tailed, and needing two extra-large cups of coffee before morning meetings. I’ve spent years trying to perfect my sleep set-up—I sleep with smooth percale sheets, I keep my bedroom cool, I fill my diffuser with calming lavender essential oil, and I use blackout shades. I admit that I’m on my phone right up until I close my eyes (though my husband would tell you that I revenge-scroll through social media for a bit too long), but even then, I’m able to fall asleep within minutes. So I could never figure out why I wouldn’t wake up refreshed and ready to go—until I slept with the Marlow pillow . Read More >> from Food52

I Ranked Basically Every Way There Is To Eat A Potato From "Throw That Away NOW" To "This Will Be My Final Meal"

This could get heated. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Chef Boyardee Tacos, And 30 Other Food Crimes Against Humanity That'll Ruin Your Appetite Forever

What did we do to deserve this? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

An American Has Gone Viral On Reddit For Saying That Australian Bread Tastes Like "Ecstasy"

"This bread was the softest, most amazing bread I've ever had in my sad American life." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Don't Know These Food Truths From These Food Lies, You Shouldn't Be Handling Food

BRB, gonna go throw some cranberries down the stairs and see if the rumors are true. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Spooky Halloween Image Test Will Reveal Which Halloween Candy You Are

Pink Starburst will always be superior. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

These Breakfast Questions Will Predict If You Have A Chance With Your Crush

The eggs know. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

19 Food Charts Guaranteed To Make Your Life 1,000% Easier

Suddenly I'm hungry. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

38 Best Sausage Recipes to Make Right Here, Right Now

Why don’t I cook with sausage more often? I know that you, fine internet stranger, most likely don’t know the answer to this. You’re not my sister, who is a vegan and would say sausage is gross, or my Italian fiancé who would say “yeah Kelly, why DON’T you cook sausage more often?” I cook ample amounts of salmon , chicken (breasts and thighs), the occasional pork chop , very occasional duck breast, and steak on special occasions. So why isn’t sausage in my repertoire? Frankly, I don’t know and after rounding up Food52’s best sausage recipes, I’m a little ashamed. There’s just so much you can do with sausage. Soups and stews! Stuffing ! One-pot pastas! Cooked in a Dutch oven or baked in a casserole dish! Sausage is a great option for a sheet pan supper alongside, let’s say, roasted cabbages , red onions, and other equally hearty veggies that feel right for fall or winter. And there’s variety too! Sweet sausage, spicy sausage, chorizo, sausage made with chicken or pork, sausage made wit

Keurig Is Having A 20% Off Sale Sitewide Until Halloween, So Get Ready To Make Coffee For Everyone In Your House (Including The Ghosts)

Deals so good it's almost spooky. 👻☕️ View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Sweetgreen’s IPO Proves, Once and for All, That It’s a Big Boy Tech Company

Custom salad being made at a Sweetgreen in Washington, D.C. | Dixie D. Vereen/For The Washington Post via Getty Images The salad chain has a billion-dollar valuation and no profitability in sight This week, fast-casual salad chain Sweetgreen announced its intent to go public and start trading on the New York Stock Exchange. As part of its S-1 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange commission to begin the IPO process, the company finally proved that it is, as it’s been arguing for years , actually a tech company and not just a run-of-the-mill expensive salad chain — by following in Uber and Doordash’s footsteps and posting consistent yearly net losses in the millions of dollars . As Dan Primack at Axios points out , those losses reported in the IPO filing — occurring every year since 2014 — contradict the chain’s claims in 2018 and 2019 that it was profitable. Sweetgreen’s IPO follows in the footsteps of many restaurant brands (including Oregon-born coffee shop Dutch Bros.

38 Best Stew Recipes for Cold-Weather Comfort Food

The first stew recipe I ever made was about as ambitious as it gets— bouillabaisse , a French fish stew that involved pounds of fresh fish, including a whole live lobster that I killed with my bare hands. (Ok, well, my bare hands gripping a knife.) This was Valentine’s Day in 2018. At the time, I was working as a line cook at a French restaurant and felt equipped for the task. I went over the ins and outs of this dish with the executive chef for weeks leading up to February 14th. He even ordered live lobsters to teach me how to kill them. But when Valentine’s Day came and I brought the lobster home like a newborn baby, swaddled in a thin plastic bag, the only knife available to me to use was a dull, mail-order Ginsu. Eventually, I succeeded in killing the lobster, but not without causing physical and emotional pain to both it and myself. When I showed the chef a video replaying the events, he told me it was the most violent thing he had ever witnessed and was slow to sing my praises.

20 Ways To Give the Gift of Travel—Even if You’re Not Going Anywhere

Traveling is my thing . As a travel writer, I spend most of my day writing about previous trips (I’ve been to 65 countries and counting), researching places to take someday (I’m looking at you, Uzbekistan), or scheming up ways to spend more time doing what I love. However, like most people, I’ve spent a large portion of the last year and a half grounded and it’s made me a bit of a homebody. While I’m still excited about the prospect of traveling, for the first time ever, I’m content staying in one place for more than a few days at a time. Part of that comes from having curated a home that shows the memories from life on the road, inspires future travel, and helps make adventures—big and small—much easier. Read More >> from Food52

How the Crock-Pot Did (and Didn’t) Change the Way We Eat

Image from Eater - All

Fifteen-Minute Grocery Delivery Has Arrived. Do We Need It?

AFP via Getty Images from Eater - All

Rocco DiSpirito Partners With NFT Curation Company for a Recipe NFT, If Any of That Makes Sense to You

Chef Rocco DiSpirito | Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images for NYCWFF You could be the proud owner of a receipt to a recipe! At this point it looks like the non-fungible token, or NFT, trend is not going away . Despite NFTs being an ecological disaster that don’t even guarantee someone won’t just copy-paste whatever digital painting you bought and use it for themselves, people keep buying them, and artists keep finding new things to turn into NFTs. Recently, Martha Stewart began selling portraits of herself as NFTs, and Pizza Hut sold off digital images of pizza (?). And now, chef Rocco DiSpirito will be unleashing a “Custom Recipe NFT” on the world. DiSpirito has been laying low for a while, but it makes sense he’d be the name attached to an NFT recipe. He became the first chef to use reality TV as a vehicle to stardom with his 2003-2004 show The Restaurant , and had been a regular personality on shows like Top Chef , Guy’s Grocery Games , and Dancing With The Stars . And despi

14 Costco Black Friday Deals That Don’t Require a Membership

For some, the ideal post-Thanksgiving day involves a lot of napping. But if you’re a big shopper, you’re probably pulling out your computer, heading to your favorite online stores, and voraciously adding products to your cart. Black Friday is like the Super Bowl of savings as online and brick-and-mortar stores start the holiday shopping season by slashing prices. This year, the annual sales event lands on Friday, November 26, and you can expect great deals in the weeks leading up to it, too. Read More >> from Food52

A Recipe for Crispy Za’atar Tteokbokki with Tomato Jam That Knows No Borders

Louiie Victa/Eater Korean rice cakes and Lebanese za’atar join together in a blissful culinary marriage  Mention tteokbokki and what often comes to mind is an image of plump, cylindrical rice cakes swimming in a pool of spicy red sauce with fishcakes and maybe some soft-boiled eggs on the side. But not all tteokbokki is spicy and saucy. In fact, the name tteokbokki is made up of two words: tteok (rice cakes) and bokki (stir-fried), a combination that nods to the many possibilities that the beloved Korean street food presents. For my first pop-up at Edy’s Grocer , a Lebanese grocery and deli in Brooklyn, I wanted to share a different side of tteokbokki as part of the Korean-Lebanese menu I was planning with Edy’s chef and owner Edy Massih . Rice cakes, I realized, were the perfect canvas to display the Lebanese flavors I’d been introduced to through my friendship with Edy. He had opened the door to a wide world of Lebanese food, from mezze like labneh and silky-smooth hummus to sav

Don’t Let Snobbery Keep You From the Beautiful Simplicity of Chili’s 2 for $25 Meal

James R. Martin /Shutterstock In a world with overwhelming choices, the banality of Chili’s prix fixe date meal for two might be exactly what you need I think about food a lot. An unreasonable amount, actually. There is, of course, my day job as a food writer, but also the countless hours spent browsing the New York Times cooking app for complicated new recipes to try and building an encyclopedic knowledge of local restaurant menus for when it comes time to make weekend dinner reservations. But when it comes to actually making the decision of where — and what — to eat in the moment, thinking about the mundane practicality of food can be seriously fucking exhausting. When that feeling, a combination of frustration and despair and good old-fashioned “hanger,” strikes, there’s nothing more compelling than scoring a deal on a (slightly) overcooked steak and cheese-topped mashed potatoes from, of all places, Chili’s. Admitting my obsession with Chili’s 2 for $25 promotion feels like

A Crunchy, Chocolatey Homemade Treat—Just in Time for Halloween

We’ve teamed up with our friends at All-Clad to bring you Pans With a Plan —a series sharing smart techniques, tasty recipe ideas, and all sorts of handy tips for cooking novices and seasoned pros alike. Here, food stylist and recipe developer Max Rappaport shares a crunchy, chocolatey homemade treat just in time for Halloween using All-Clad’s D3® Stainless 3-Quart Sauce Pan (a candy-making must-have). As a wide-eyed, sweet-toothed kid, no holiday sparked more joy than Halloween. I loved to dress up in costume, of course (most famously as an adorable red M&M in elementary school), but more importantly, I had a ferocious appetite for candy. After a successful night of trick or treating, my friends and I would dump our pillow cases of candy on the dining table, admire our mountain of sweet satisfaction, and begin sorting them according to our favorites. I won’t bore you with the full rankings, but I will tell you that my top candies were always the perfect combination of chocola

Butter Mochi Meets Diet Culture Resistance in a Portland Home Kitchen

Daphne Kauahi’ilani Jenkins measures time in butter mochi. Each Friday in Portland, Oregon, she sells tray after tray of rotating flavors, offering slices like Passion Fruit–Dark Chocolate , Macadamia–Key Lime Pie , and Matcha-Hibiscus-Strawberry for $5 a piece. Jenkins, a holistic nutritionist and home baker, describes them as "delicious, and beautiful in a very homey way." (I’d offer one edit, which is that her butter mochi—adorned with rose petals, mango-peach preserves, and delicate slivers of dried lemon—in fact looks incredibly professional.) There’s nothing in the American baking lexicon that’s truly comparable to butter mochi, the classic Hawaiian tray bake. At first glance, butter mochi brings to mind an American blondie—indeed they are both square, chewy, and pale buttery-gold in color. Upon his first bite of a dense, custardy interior slice, my dad proclaimed it “chess pie, but with coconut milk,” which feels far more apt. Jenkins is more likely to compare it to

How to Share a Bed With a Partner—& Actually Get a Good Night's Sleep

Next month, I’m moving in with my boyfriend after three years of long distance. I’m elated to make dinners together and eat them in front of the TV; have a buddy to run errands with on Saturdays; and settle into our first little home together. One thing I’m more apprehensive about? Sharing a bed. We’ll be going from playing house on weekends to sharing my beloved queen bed on work nights, weekends, and naps in between. We’re generally okay sleepers (fine, I’m a blanket hog and I snore), and he gets up early (no biggie), but what works for weekends now needs to work Every. Single. Night. Read More >> from Food52

This Aussie TikToker Has Hacked Grill'd Chips At Home And I'm Salivating Already

Catch me eating hot chips for breakfast tomorrow. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

16 Catalan Dishes to Try in Barcelona

Pa amb tomaquet in Barcelona. From tomato-rubbed pa amb tomàquet to crisp-topped crema catalana When it comes to food, Barcelona isn’t so much a Spanish city as a Catalan one. An ancient, triangular-shaped region with 7.5 million inhabitants, the autonomous region of Catalunya has had its own language, history, culture, and traditions for close to a thousand years. While today, language might be the thing that most defines Catalan identity, its distinctive food follows closely behind. And the capital of Catalunya itself is also the undisputed capital of la cuina catalana — Barcelona. From the 12th century, the principality of Catalunya had been in a union with the medieval kingdom of Aragon, and together they controlled a giant swath of the western Mediterranean, including what’s now southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, the Balearic Islands, and parts of Greece. Even then, la cuina catalana — rooted in elements of its Greek, Roman, and Arab past — was highly regar