
Showing posts from December, 2021

Which Golden Corral Buffet Dish Are You?

Time to man up and accept your destiny. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

It's Going To Be Really Sad If You Don't Know The Names Of These Fruits

Ube can do it! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Sweetest Things to Dip in Chocolate Fondue

Winter is the time when chocolate fondue shines, and we are here for it. New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day are the occasions when everyone says, “Oh yeah, I have a fondue pot! I should use it!” It’s romantic and celebratory, plus who wouldn't want to dip anything and everything in a chocolate waterfall? It also elicits good conversation, like “You have chocolate in your teeth” and “Can you pass me another marshmallow?” Really moving stuff. Ahead, find out how to make our easy chocolate fondue recipe so you can go from thinking “A fondue pot? I will never use this” to breaking it out mid-workday for a sugary pick-me-up. From Our Shop Boska Copper & Concrete Fondue Set $139 Raaka Small-Batch Organic Chocolate Subscription $98 – $364 More Options Ceramic Chocolate Fondue Set $40 What to Dip in Cheese Fondue? Everything (but Especially These 13 Things) 50 Best Chocolate Recipes for Chocolate Lovers Everywh

Customers Saying "It's Quiet Today, Isn't It" And 42 Other "Customer Crimes" That Aren't Illegal (But Honestly Should Be)

I'm rethinking everything I've ever done in a store. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

52 Products Our Community Loved (As Much as We Did) This Year

A big part of my job (okay, like 75 percent) involves learning about new products and brands, and sharing them with all of you. But as much as I love introducing our community to new things, I actually enjoy learning from you all much more. Whether it be through reader comments, recipe contests , holiday gift swaps , and even our FiveTwo line , we’re always looking to our readers to tell us what they like (or really don’t like), what they want to see more of, and what they might want to see less of. That’s why we’re taking a look back at the most popular products that you all bought and loved in 2021, like more than 300 sets of Brooklinen’s crisp percale sheets and 700 Scrub Daddy sponges . This year, we learned that everyone was rolling up their sleeves to give every inch of their space a deep clean, reimagining their spaces to be more functional and cozy, and (to no one’s surprise) cooking and baking every waking moment. Ahead, 52 products that got your stamp of approval. Read M

A Coptic Orthodox Christmas: Fasts, Feasts & Plenty of Cheese

January 6 is usually the date that Christmas decorations come down in the Western world. It also happens to be Christmas Eve for many—those who belong to Eastern Orthodox churches around the world, in places like Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Syria, Armenia, Russia, and Greece (and many others). For this large, global community, Christmas Day is January 7, and usually marks the end of a 40-day period of pescatarian or vegan fasting. Because of this, the day is typically celebrated with a meaty feast—for Egyptians, this usually includes an obligatory side of cheese (more on that in a moment). From Our Shop Sale! Staub Compact Cocotte, 5QT $349.99 – $369.99 $199.99 – $219.99 More Colors Cast Iron Spice Grinder $39.95 Nordic Ware Natural Aluminum Baking Sheets $24 – $34 More Options Why celebrate the same holiday more than a week later than members of a different branch of the same religion? A historical disagreement over which calendar to

16 Foods I Had In Italy That'll Make You Cry Into Your Frozen Pizza

If you're not already hungry, you're about to be. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

We Don't Have An Explanation, But This Ice Cream Quiz Weirdly Knows Your Exact Relationship History

We have the scoop. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

2022’s Colors of the Year Have a Lot in Common

As each year draws to a close, I find myself anxiously awaiting the color trend reports for the following year. There’s just some sort of low-key optimism that comes along with the announcement—the anticipation of new things to come, and the comforting promise of change on the horizon. Sure, the color trends could be taken at face value—corporate-picked hues selected to influence what shades all our favorite clothes and home accessories will be cast in in the following months—but they can also mean much more than that. In the past several years, companies like Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Sherwin-Williams, and more have used the palette as a porthole to a wider conversation about our world at large. Seen that way, the colors chosen as the following year’s trends are no longer just colors—they’re the physical embodiment of our conversations, our ethos, the times we live in. Read More >> from Food52

I'm Honestly Judging You If You'd Serve These 20 Polarizing Foods At Your Wedding

Pineapple on pizza ~should~ be on every wedding menu. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

How to Store Champagne & Sparkling Wines for Bottomless Bubbly

It’s no secret that we love Champagne . We’ve talked about the best way to go about opening a bottle of Champagne safely and how to keep the bubbles fizzy for days once you have opened it. We've even shared more than a dozen of our favorite Champagne cocktail recipes . But the most important question of all is: How the heck do you store Champagne? Listen, I know Champagne is expensive (even though it doesn’t always have to be), and you may be holding on to a special bottle of Veuve Clicquot or a celebratory vintage for a momentous occasion. When storing Champagne, you want to first and foremost prevent the bottle from breaking haphazardly while also keeping the cork moist and protecting the good stuff on the inside. Read More >> from Food52

Two New Ways to Eat Your Collards & Black-Eyed Peas for the New Year

New Year’s Eve gets all the attention— Champagne and pigs in a blanket , sparklers and velvet dresses—but growing up in Alabama, it was New Year’s Day that I looked forward to the most. In my family, New Year’s Day meant a giant feast, one that was different from our Christmas celebrations just a week before. And no matter what, we’d have the holy trinity of Southern New Year foods on the table: black-eyed peas , collard greens , and cornbread . Black-eyed peas and collard greens are traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day across the South, to symbolize luck and money in the forthcoming year. Like so many of my favorite Southern foods, they came out of the African diaspora. Black-eyed peas are native to West Africa, a region from which many enslaved people were forcefully taken. And the style of cooking collard greens most associated with Southern food— cooked down until they’re silky and salty, thanks to the addition of a ham hock —also stems from West African cooking traditions. R

Waiters Are Finally Opening Up About What They're Judging Us On, And It'll Change Your Behaviors

"If you come into a restaurant within 30 minutes till close and sit down, I hate you." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

9 Home Decor Trends that Surprised (& Delighted) Us in 2021

2020's home trends were... kind of all over the place. Mirrors and furniture made with spray foam insulation (what?), lots of squiggly lines, colors reminiscent of the '80s, and every kind of hunkered-down-in-your-home DIY project imaginable. But we'll cut last year some slack because let's be real—we were all over the place. Thankfully, 2021 mellowed out in the decor department, and we've seen a return to more palatable colors and more intentional choices. More than anything, though, the trends have pointed in one direction: the past. Design and decor is always cyclical, and we know that what was once cool will probably become cool again. That certainly is true if we look back at what was popular this year, and look back we will! Read on for 10 of the most surprising interior trends we saw in 2021. Read More >> from Food52

This Christmas Buffet Will Reveal When You'll Meet Your Soulmate

Two months is a long time! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Why 10,000 People Are on the Waitlist for Kora’s Filipino Doughnuts

Glossy purple ube variaties and doughnuts stuffed with an entire flan have exploded in popularity at the Queens, NY-based shop “You just have to be super confident when you approach this task,” says Kora founder Kimberly Camara. She’s flipping a large tray of flan from one pan to another for the shop’s flan doughnut. It’s because of unique flavors like this that the New York-based Filipino doughnut shop has a 10,000-person waitlist. “Kora is my grandmother’s name,” says Camara. “The leche flan recipe is from my grandmother’s cookbook that I found after she passed away.” This doughnut begins with a brioche dough. Once the doughnut is formed, Kevin Borja, Camara’s partner at the shop and in life, cuts a hole in it, and adds flan cream. Next, an entire round piece of flan is added to the center. “I don’t know how I came up with it, honestly. I think what it came down to is they wouldn’t be actually experiencing the flan unless there was an actual flan in it.” The top of the doughnut

If You've Tried And Liked These 39 Foods, You're Too American For Words

Eggs, but make them with ketchup. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This Champagne House Vintner Is Going All Organic—& That’s a Big Deal

You don’t need to ever convince me to drink champagne. But if there’s one time when the rest of the world also comes aboard the bubbly boat, it’s the week of New Year’s Eve . One champagne house is trying to change how the world consumes champagne on a regular basis. Champagne Telmont , a house that dates back to 1912, is in the process of fully converting their agricultural processes to be 100 percent certified organic . “It’s a big, big bold commitment,” says Ludovic du Plessis, president of Telmont Champagne. For champagne to be certified organic, the grapes must be harvested without the use of any forms of herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, an extremely strict standard in the wine world. In general, du Plessis says that the champagne industry is largely a sustainable one. But only three percent of the world’s supply of champagne is certified organic. From Our Shop exclusive Vintage French Champagne Coupe Glasses (Set of 2) $60 – $68 More Options

11 Pandemic Food Trends We Are So Over

After nearly two years of living through the highs and lows of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve learned how to adjust our lifestyles to keep each other healthy. While we desperately longed for the days of “normal,” we also learned how to make do with the present. In the kitchen, this meant relying on lots of basic pantry staples and recipes that would be able to feed a larger-than-normal household. And as we reflect on another year of pandemic life, there are some things—like well-worn recipes—that we have had enough of, plain and simple. This isn’t goodbye to banana bread , overnight oats , or sourdough starter ; it’s just “see you in a few years, when we’ve had time to experiment with new things that don’t remind us of March 2020.” If you too are so over seeing (and making!) recipes for feta pasta and pancake cereal, here’s what to make instead: Read More >> from Food52

Tell Me Which Of These Foods You Absolutely Hate And I'll Tell You If You're A Picky Eater Or Not

Let's all agree that mayo is gross. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Most Popular Big Little Recipes of 2021

A Big Little Recipe has the smallest-possible ingredient list and big everything else: flavor, creativity, wow factor. That means five ingredients or fewer—not including water, salt, black pepper, and certain fats (like oil and butter), since we're guessing you have those covered. Inspired by the column, the Big Little Recipes cookbook is available now. Like, right now. If you have a handful of ingredients, you can make dinner. Or, even better, dessert. This year, we made all sorts of dishes—from salads to soups to pastas to cookies—and these were the ones that our community loved the most. Let’s get right to it. Read More >> from Food52

The Predictions Are In: 12 Home Decor Trends We’ll See in 2022

Over the past 18 months, many of our homes have received more love, care, attention, and introspection than in the last five years combined. And who could blame us? Time hunkering down indoors meant we all naturally turned our attention to our interior surroundings, sussing out once and for all what works for our lifestyles and what reflects our personalities best in our homes. Because of all this TLC, we’ve seen a surplus of home decor and design trends cycle in and out over the past year or so—some picking up steam and becoming full-blown phenomena (we’re looking at you, dramatic marble), while others are just on the cusp, waiting to catch fire with homeowners. From Our Shop Estelle Hand-blown Colored Rocks Glasses (Set of 2) $85 exclusive Vintage Silver-Plated Eclectic Flatware $32 – $200 More Options At the end of the day, trends are about more than just a color or pattern du jour—they’re a great reflection of where we are as a collective societ

3 Non-Alcoholic Cocktails Inspired by Classics

We’ve teamed up with Seedlip —makers of top-quality, distilled non-alcoholic spirits—to share non-alcoholic cocktail recipes for the New Year and beyond. Inspired by classics, these satisfying sips all start with one of Seedlip’s unique flavors, from their herbal Garden 108 to the citrus-forward Grove 42 . Ready to shake things up? Let’s go… The last couple months of the year (aka the holidays) can be, well, a lot. But with New Year’s Eve around the corner, we’ll get a chance to take a reprieve from all the stress the season brings and the rich, festive food and drinks that come with it. Enter: Dry January. Read More >> from Food52

Amethyst Ganaway’s Pantry Is Based Around a ‘Holy Trinity of Grains’

Welcome to Amethyst Ganaway ’s Pantry! In each installment of this series, a recipe developer will share with us the pantry items essential to their cooking. This month, we're exploring eight staples stocking Amethyst’s Southern and Low Country kitchen. “Southern food” is often used interchangeably with “soul food,” a term coined before, but most commonly used during and after, the Black Power and Civil Rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The term describes the foods and foodways of Black Americans, as well as the reclaiming of African roots. Yet even today, some people still view soul or Southern food through the outdated lens of literal table scraps from white people, or as a lesser cuisine compared to European cultures. For me, the food is about honoring who we are at our core. The history and cultures put into a pot and poured into each bowl are rich, unique stories full of deep, different flavors. Read More >> from Food52

Sorry, But This "Yes Or No" Quiz Is About To Expose All You Picky Eaters

If you don't like pickles, grow up. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This NYE, Throw a Hangover-Free House Party

Hosting feels a bit like playing grown-up these days. The ordinary tasks involved in having people over—texting out an invite, deciding on a menu, making a playlist— remain, but nothing beats the relaxed, inviting atmosphere of a house party. Remember house parties? The kind with moody, low lighting and conversation that lingered into the night. We love them, with one caveat. The one aspect of a house party that can remain firmly in the past is the hangover. “It used to be expected that if you have fun, you’re going to feel horrible afterwards. It was part of the deal, but fortunately it doesn’t have to be anymore,” says Helena Price Hambrecht, co-founder and CEO of Haus . “You don’t want the parties to end, but as you get older, you don’t really have time for the hangover part.” Read More >> from Food52

25 Of The Very Best Drinks, Snacks, And Desserts You Could Possibly Serve This New Year's Eve

Let the countdown begin. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Aesthetic Images You Pick Will Reveal Which Ice Cream Flavor Matches Your Personality

Chocolate ice cream is the best! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

25 Things To Bring Some Order To The Chaos In Your Fridge In 2022

I regret to inform you the mess in your fridge doesn't just disappear when you close the door. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Can Identify 12+ Of These International Desserts, You're Smarter Than The Average American

*adds to my travel list so I can try all these tasty desserts* View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

42 Kitchen Products Our Readers Loved In 2021

From quirky cookie cutters to an electric peeler, you might not be able to stop yourself from adding one of these treasures to your cart View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

This 31-Question Breakfast Food Quiz Will Determine If You're On The Right Or Wrong Side Of History

Personally, I can eat eggs in the morning, afternoon, AND night. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

"They're Salty And Processed But Taste Like Love": People Are Sharing The Nostalgic Foods They Shamelessly Adore

"I crave these frequently and I can't explain why. They’re genuinely not good, but I love them anyway." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

31 Products That Will Make You Feel Like You Have A Brand New Kitchen For 2022

If your kitchen is still a mess from Thanksgiving, this list is for you. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

If You Have Tried At Least 10 Of These 17 Foods, You're Very Fancy Indeed

Maybe Christmas is the day to try some of these? View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

It's Weird, But Choosing McDonald's Items Will Determine Your Age With 91% Accuracy

Dang, having to choose between nuggets and McFlurries is impossible. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

I Dare You To Play This Hot Guys Vs. Appetizers “Would You Rather”

Decisions, decisions. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

12 of the Flakiest Phyllo Dough Recipes

Let’s get one thing straight: Phyllo dough is not the same thing as puff pastry . They are similar and similarly used, but not the same. Here, we’re showcasing a dozen recipes that make the most of phyllo dough—you’ll thank us later. Yes, you can make homemade phyllo, but you definitely don’t need to. Store-bought phyllo dough, usually found in the freezer aisle, works just as well in these recipes. Layers of phyllo can be used as blankets for a feta cheese and spinach pie, a weighted blanket for vanilla pastry cream with macerated strawberries, and a cardigan for cream cheese with plums . Read More >> from Food52

23 Restaurants That Did Not Understand The Assignment

What do we want? Plates! When do we want them? Now! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

15 Popular Holiday Traditions From Countries That Aren't America

I'm going to need the recipes to all the delicious foods they mentioned immediately. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

The Flour Mill Behind the Best Bakeries and Pizza in the Country

Molly J. Smith from Eater - All

15 Absolutely Magical Cleaning Products We Discovered This Year

There wasn’t a surface in our homes that didn’t get a scrub down this year. Not to help curb the pandemic because the coronavirus isn’t spread through surfaces, but because being at home all the time forces you to remember the last time you cleaned your stove grates or burnt pots —which is never. Things that didn’t faze us before suddenly became the biggest thing on our to-do list. When we weren’t washing our hands and face masks, we were disinfecting our phone screens , cleaning pet urine stains , vacuuming up dust bunnies, removing hard water stains , and deep-cleaning our slow cookers . From a jar of the viral Pink Stuff to a reliable bottle of Dr. Bronner’s , here are the 15 best cleaning products we discovered this year. Read More >> from Food52

32 People Who Really Shouldn't Have Posted On Facebook In 2021 And Now We're All Dumber For It

An important PSA this holiday season. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

What Dates Have to Do With Christmas, the Temple of Dendur, and ‘America’s Arabia’

Katerina Tuveleva /Shutterstock Dates often get served up around the holidays, but the fruit’s religious significance is bigger than you might think Dates — especially in the United Kingdom, but also in the U.S. — are often associated with Christmastime, showing up in fruitcakes, served stuffed with goat’s cheese and wrapped with bacon, or just sharing a side plate with dried apricots and prunes. On this week’s episode of Gastropod, hosts Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley explore what exactly dates have to do with the winter holidays, as well as the fascinating history of how date palms made it from North Africa and the Middle East to the Coachella Valley in California, which was once thought to be “America’s Arabia.” Why dates show up a lot around the holidays is partly to do with their association with the Biblical lands: dates are found all over the Middle East and North Africa, and Joseph and Mary might well have relied on them as a portable energy source while wandering t

The Best Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Wine for Holiday Toasts

When I first quit drinking alcohol , the only thing about it that I feared I would miss were champagne toasts . I associate sparkling wine with Christmas, when my mother usually hosts a huge, festive feast. For years, one of my jobs as her co-host has been to make sure everyone got a glass of champagne as soon as they walked in the door, which meant I spent at least half an hour watching the animated bokeh effect of the bubbles as I made sure the red and clear Waterford cut crystal champagne flutes she uses only once a year didn’t overflow. As Christmas rolled around the first year that I didn’t drink, nearly a decade ago now, I replaced champagne with sparkling cranberry cider, but it wasn’t the same. Even though I didn’t miss the effects of alcohol, I missed the taste and the fine, tickling bubbles of a decent sparkling wine. Luckily, non-alcoholic sparkling wine making has come a long way in the past ten years, and bubblies without the buzz have improved tremendously. Recently, I

36 Pictures Of Holiday Pups That Are Too Pawfect

Deck the halls with paws. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Google Just Revealed The Most-Searched Christmas Cookie Recipe In Every State (And Mine Is Spot On)

Is New York OK... View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

15 Festive And Cozy Brunch Recipes To Serve On Christmas Morning (And Devour In Your Pajamas)

Have fun opening your presents — I'll be beelining to the freshly-baked sticky buns. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food