The Essential Spring Care Guide for Your Houseplants

Potted greenery is the perfect way to connect with nature when spending time indoors—my own green roommates have been wonderful company through the winter. Now that spring is here, it’s the best time to tend to your botanical buddie—whether you’ve got a few or 100—before making a break for the actual outdoors. While proper watering and correct sun exposure are your first priorities when bringing home a plant, there are a few other ways to ensure that your plants continue to grow and thrive through the seasons: soil health, pest inspections, and even a little leaf management are all important habits to add to your seasonal care routines.

I know that tackling a huge to-do list, when all you want to do is head outdoors, can seem daunting, especially if your plants are in the multiples. Try carving out the time to make these tasks enjoyable—break them up into bite-sized goals that you can tend to realistically throughout the week, rather than in one fully loaded day. Turn on some music and put on a mud mask, making it an act of self-care for yourself, too! And who knows, once you’re through with your seasonal houseplant duties you might even find yourself in need of a larger pot—or one that needs filling. You’ve earned yourself a reward at the local plant store for all that hard work!


from Food52


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