The 38 Essential Restaurants in London

A bean, potato, and fried egg breakfast taco on a white plate with yellow rim on a blue background.
The bean, potato, and fried egg breakfast taco at Quarter Kitchen. | Caitlin Isola

Cumin-spiced Xi’an burgers at a star chef’s Bloomsbury restaurant, Michelin-starred grilled seafood tucked above a Thai stunner in its own right, small plates at a beloved reincarnated wine bar, and more of London’s best food

The Eater 38 hopes to answer any question that begins, “Can you recommend a restaurant?” It’s a curated list that covers the entire city, spanning more than 20 cuisines, neighbourhoods, and price points. It’s a list that tells the story of the London food scene: It documents the dim sum, Sunday roasts, curries, pizza, sinasir, rarebits, banh mi, udon noodles, pepper pot, moo krob, and more: All that which makes London among the very best and most diverse places to eat in the world.

The Eater London 38 aims to reflect the best food and most important restaurants in the capital as of summer 2023 — with new venues making their mark and older establishments having rediscovered their groove once more. This list continues to showcase a mix of over three dozen restaurants, which have all done outstanding things in extraordinary times, restaurants which have emerged, survived, thrived, and continued to enrich the city and its food culture in a time of unprecedented change and tumult.

Adam Coghlan is a writer and editor based in London. In 2017, he launched Eater London and ran the site until it ceased daily publication in 2023. You can find him on Instagram @adamcoghlan.

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