
Showing posts from April, 2022

People Are Revealing The Strange Things They Do Every Day, And I’m Curious How Many Of Y’all Actually Do Them Too

"I prefer eating cold pizza that’s been in the fridge overnight to hot, fresh pizza." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

You’re Only Eating One Food For The Rest Of Your Life

Find your forever food. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Order A Cake From A Veeeeeeery Bougie Bakery And We'll Accurately Guess Your Favorite Dessert

Dessert is the best meal of the day! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

We'll Guess How Old You Act Based On Your International Food Preferences

Your food choices can reveal so much about you! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Those Handmade Whisk Brooms You Love? You Can DIY Them.

Can You Dig It is a new monthly series by Kristin Guy in which a real-life garden DIY is tackled with real style. Whether you’ve got an expansive outdoor plot or just a few houseplants, Kristin will inspire you to grow even more with easy-to-tackle projects and horticultural know-how. Confession time: I love brooms. Specifically, tiny handmade brooms. In fact, if you peeped into my greenhouse, you’d find not one, but four handcrafted brooms hanging on my workbench. There's something special about the care and detail spent on an object most find utilitarian. I like to think of it as an extension of my horticultural work—a beautiful object that plays an important part of my routine, and turns an ordinary act (in this case, cleaning) into an extraordinary celebration of completion. Read More >> from Food52

Culinary School Grads Are Sharing Cooking Tips That "Make A World Of Difference" (And They're Applicable To Pro Chefs And Home Cooks Alike)

Class is now in session. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

It's Going To Be Realllllly Hard, But You Need To Eliminate Drinks From Each Cuisine

These drinks are thirsty for the win. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

20 Milk Steamers And Milk Frothers To Level Up Your Coffee Game

Now you can have your own mini café just a button push away (and never leave have to leave your home). View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

"I'm Immediately Cancelling The Order": This Woman Is Going Viral For Explaining Why She Only Wants Female Instacart Shoppers

"I think women are used to having to do more, especially when it comes to domestic duties." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Pick Foods In Every Color And I'll Reveal Your Wedding Cake

Pass me a slice of cake! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Our Most Popular Recipes in April

Spring has sprung and I am ravenous for anything and everything green. Here on the east coast, the weather can’t make up its mind—warm some days and still-cold others. Our most popular new recipes from April are a little like that: a mix of cozy-comforting and crunchy-fresh. And all delicious…but you knew that already. From Our Shop exclusive Mosser Colored Glass Cake Stand $44 – $220 More Options our line! Five Two by GreenPan Essential Cookware Set $69 – $429 More Options Sale! Dansk Kobenstyle Porcelain Dinnerware $30 – $60 $18 – $55 More Options 10. Raspberry Cheesecake Brownies If you don’t have raspberry jam, don’t fret. These would be just as wonderful with strawberry, or blueberry—or even a not-quite-jam like Nutella or lemon curd. Read More >> from Food52

Why a Sustainable-ish Kitchen Is Good Enough For Me

We’ve teamed up with the food waste fighters at Imperfect Foods to share tips for living a more eco-friendly life. Start small with an affordable grocery service (hello, Imperfect Foods) that makes an impact through the food they deliver—like misshapen produce and surplus snacks that would otherwise go unused—then explore more possibilities for building a less wasteful world. When you stop to think about food waste, pollution, global warming, and all of the other problems the earth is facing—let alone how to tackle them—it can feel, well, daunting to say the least. But something that brings me comfort is understanding how my own sustainable practices can make a difference. That’s not to say that I live a perfectly eco-friendly lifestyle, but over the years I’ve come to accept (and celebrate) when am I trying my best. Read More >> from Food52

How Public Libraries Are Seeding America’s Gardens

Shutterstock Libraries across the country are fighting food insecurity by offering communities free seeds and gardening education This story was originally published on Civil Eats . At the public library in Mystic, Connecticut, a card catalog that formerly stored book due dates now holds endless packets of seeds. There’s eggplant and kale, marigolds and zinnias; more than 90 different types of seeds available for anyone with a card to take home and plant. “The library has become so much more than just a place to come in and get books,” said Leslie Weber, the youth services associate at the Mystic & Noank Library . “It’s becoming a community center, and the seed library fits right into that. It gets people outside, gets children involved with gardening, and we’re pushing to address food insecurity with it.” The seed library in Mystic is just one of a number that have sprouted up around the country over the last decade — including in Georgia, California, Colorado, Arizona, a

The Only Tools You'll Need for DIY Upholstering

Over my years of working in upholstery and furniture design, I have pulled together a finely-honed set of tools that I need to ensure the best results. When approaching DIY upholstery, remember that you don’t need to acquire every tool in the shed all at one time—or even use all of them. While the tools you will need will greatly depend on the level of difficulty of the project or the technique needed for the particular item that you’re working on, my best advice is to acquire what’s useful to you and build your repertoire as you go along. You don’t need expensive equipment to achieve a clean and well-done finish, either. There are so many industrial supplies and equipment that I have chosen not to acquire because they are cumbersome, expensive, and take up quite a large amount of space. Also of note: when it comes to specialized DIY tools, you can also often rent them for your projects . Read More >> from Food52

Can You Name 9/15 Of These Mexican Dishes From Just Their Ingredients?

Shoutout to corn for its versatility. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Pick A Food In Every Color And We'll Tell You Where You'll Be In 5 Years

Not me getting hungry... View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

What's the Deal With Finger Limes?

Australian finger limes (aka citrus australasica) are one of the silliest types of citrus fruit —and we mean that in the best way possible. They resemble short, stubby fingers and bear the nickname “caviar limes.” Finger limes are a type of tiny citrus fruit—a microcitrus actually—that are native to Australia (specifically the coastal region of Queensland and New South Wales). Their name comes from the fact that they are about the size and shape of a finger (they max out at around 3 inches in length), and both the peel and the pulp come in a rainbow of colors. The pulp (more properly called juice vesicles) of most citrus fruit looks like elongated teardrops, but finger lime’s vesicles are tiny little balls—a tart, fruit “caviar” that holds its shape until the beads burst in your mouth (in case their diminutive size and wide range of colors weren't enough fun for you). Look for finger limes at specialty grocery stores—in some parts of California, you might be able to find finger li

Chef-Approved Recipe Ideas for Approaching Mealtime More Sustainably

We’ve teamed up with Too Good To Go —an app where local grocery stores, restaurants and bakeries sell surprise bags of their surplus or unsold food at a discounted price so it doesn't go to waste—to share family-friendly cooking inspiration that keeps the earth in mind. Too Good To Go takes a holistic approach to rescuing food that’s a win-win-win: you get to enjoy items from your favorite local spots, store owners are able to sell their surplus, and our planet is that much greener because of it. As a restaurant chef and first-time mom, being mindful of waste (from surplus food to single-use packaging) is something that’s always at the forefront of my meal planning. I strive to come up with fun and tasty ways to not only make my cooking eco-friendlier, but to also get the whole family involved, including my two-year-old son, Arlo. Read More >> from Food52

Can This Cultivated Meat Startup Make Lion Meat a Thing?

A lion is seen at the Izmir Natural Life Park. | Mehmet Emin Menguarslan/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images An interview with the founder of Primeval Meats, a company that specializes in reproducing meat from wild animals Yilmaz Bora got the idea for his company, Primeval Foods, while watching an Eater video about Aska, a two-Michelin-starred Nordic restaurant in Brooklyn. In the video, chef Fredrik Berselius makes quenelles of caviar, inspects a live king crab, and forages ginkgo nuts. But the thing that caught Bora’s attention was the bird. “It was not a chicken, but a bird,” he said. Actually it was a quail, aged and cooked medium-rare, and served dead-bird-style , with the feet still attached. “The owner said he was serving hundreds of them each week,” says Bora. As a vegan, this was unappealing but amazing to him, and it made him realize food that emphasizes a raw connection to nature excites a lot of people. So he started a company making cultivated lion meat. Okay, so there w

Eater’s Guide to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Eagle Harbor Lighthouse | Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Living in the UP has never been easy, but Yoopers (and visitors) have found comfort in delicious pasties and cudighis, fresh maple syrup and berries, and lots of fried fish On a map, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula perches on top of Wisconsin looking a bit like a rabbit, its ears jutting into Lake Superior, back legs kicking into Lake Huron. The UP (“you-pee,” not “up”) has long attracted outdoorsy types. Every summer, droves of weekend warriors head up north from Milwaukee, Detroit, and Chicago, crossing from Lower Michigan over the 5-mile long Mackinac ( mack-in-awe ) Bridge or taking a puddle jumper to a small regional airport on their way to wooded cabins and remote lake houses. The Upper Peninsula is no cuddly bunny. Though the peninsula makes up about 30 percent of Michigan’s landmass (including offshore areas like Drummond Island and Isle Royale), only about 300,000 people (or 0.03 percent of

A Lobster Curry Recipe Made for Solace and Sustenance

Louiie Victa/Eater In the whitest state in America, learning there’s no “right” way to eat lobster I grew up in a Gujarati family in Zimbabwe. As an immigrant, I’ve always struggled to feel at home in the U.S., but never more so than last year when my husband and I moved to Maine, the whitest state in the country. Mainers call people who aren’t born in the state “from away.” At first, I found this endearing. But soon, I realized that no matter how long I lived here I would always be from away — unlike my husband, whose pale face and blond hair allowed him to pass as local. Knowing the solace I find in food, my husband promised that lobster would be the salve for my isolation. In the summer of 2021, lobster roll prices peaked throughout New England. It was normal to spend $34 on a single roll . Still, on a humid weekend spent unpacking our new house, I insisted we treat ourselves. The rolls looked decadent: pillowy, buttered buns hugged generous piles of cool, creamy lobster mea

Hot Cross Buns Have Finally Made It in America

Shutterstock This Easter, the British baked good was everywhere There used to be a time, not that long ago, when a hot cross bun was a relative mystery or even a practical unknown to Americans. Much like Italian panettone during the winter holidays, the semi-sweet, single-serving bread seemed like something only members of the British Isles and the larger Commonwealth enjoyed during the Easter holidays, if it was acknowledged or recognized at all. This year, though, during the month of April in the U.S., hot cross buns were everywhere, made by bakeries across the country, and celebrated for their divine flavor and unique contribution to Easter celebrations. Finally, after decades of mystery, hot cross buns seemed to have crossed over. What is a hot cross bun? It’s an enriched yeasted bread made with warming spices, dried fruit, and a little bit of sugar. Slightly sweeter than a dinner roll, the individual buns are mild and great for breakfast, toasted and slathered with butter.

How to Clean Your Sticky, Icky Hood Filters, According to Babs

Clean Like You Mean It shows you how to tackle the trickiest spots in your home—whether they’re just plain gross or need some elbow grease. You’ll get the cleaning secrets we’ve learned from grandma, a guide to our handiest tools and helpers, and so much more. Pull on those rubber gloves and queue up the tunes: It’s scour hour! What would we do without Babs, TikTok’s favorite grandmother ? Have a dirty range hood, that’s for sure. Barbara Costello, aka Brunch With Babs, aka Nonna, is the queen of cleaning and cooking on TikTok, offering effective, no-fuss tips to her 1.7 million followers. And she was kind enough to walk us through her process for cleaning an often-overlooked area in the kitchen: underneath your range hood. Read More >> from Food52

"Eating It Prepared This Way Is A Totally Different Experience": People Are Sharing Commonly Disliked Foods (And The Recipes That Might Change Your Perspective On Them)

"I understand why people are so averse to this ingredient on its own, but when prepared this way, it's difficult not to love it." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Plan A Coffee Date And We'll Reveal What Netflix Reality Show You Should Watch

This date might be too hot to handle . View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Lessons I Learned From Renovating My Small Kitchen

No Space Too Small is a brand new column by Laura Fenton that celebrates the idea that you can live well in a small home. Each month, Laura will share her practical findings from years of observing how people live in tight spaces, and her own everyday experiences of living small—from the hunt for the perfect tiny desk and managing everyday clutter to how to smooth the frustrations out of cooking in a galley kitchen. I have no complaints about having a small kitchen. I'm an avid home cook, and find it just as easy to create a great meal in my tiny galley as a large chef’s kitchen. In a confined space, everything you need is right at hand, and several years working as a cook for a catering company taught me that you can truly cook anywhere (including the deck of a boat and behind a dumpster in two rare instances). Read More >> from Food52

Tell Us If You'd Rather Eat The Most Expensive Or Cheapest Option At These Aussie Fast Food Joints

I'm definitely picking the cheapest option for some of these. View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

32 People Shared The One Food Item They Never Order In A Restaurant, Because It Tastes Way Better At Home

"No matter how hard I search for good mac and cheese, mine is still the best." View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

Most People Have Tried 9 Of These Traditional Southern Cooking Dishes, So To Impress Me, You'd Have To Have Tried 19

Fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, tomato sandwiches, oh my! View Entire Post › from BuzzFeed - Food

8 Online Flower Delivery Shops for the Prettiest Blooms

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and whether the mother figure in your life is impossible to shop for, or you just want to get her something that you know will make her happy , you can’t go wrong with sending flowers. Or, maybe you’re like me and buy yourself fresh floral arrangements on a weekly basis to subtly signal to your partner or spouse that they don’t need to wait until Valentine’s Day to fill a vase with peonies (wink wink, nudge nudge). Even if you live across state lines, there are so many beautiful online flower delivery services (some of which offer same-day flowers for last-minute shoppers). Regardless of your motivation for ordering flowers, there’s a wide selection of blooms available to order online. We quite literally stopped to smell the roses to find the best online shops to get flowers delivered (including a few swoon-worthy recommendations from our own team members). From Our Shop Hawkins New York Aurora Sphere Colored Glass Vase $35 – $75